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Updated by lakshmi on Nov 28, 2016
Headline for Best ways to help your sales team sell better - with a marketing automation software
lakshmi lakshmi
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Best ways to help your sales team sell better - with a marketing automation software

A list of benefits a sales team can get from a marketing automation software. Because of it's name (marketing automation) it is perceived that only the marketing team can benefit from it (and not sales). Well, I am a marketer, who uses a marketing automation software. I am here to tell you how this software can help you sales team sell more.



The Problem - an inefficient sales cycle

The Problem - an inefficient sales cycle

What is lacking in a manual sales process?
Without a marketing automation software, the sales team loses out on two critical steps :

  • Lead Qualification: Every lead that is captured gets passed on to sales, without making sure if they are indeed interested in buying. So, your team has to spend valuable band width chasing leads who actually might not be intending to buy
  • Lead Prioritization: Of the leads that come in, whom to call first? Currently, sales team will not have an exact idea of which lead is the most interested in buying from them. So while they spend time on lead A, lead B - a much better opportunity slips away.

Both these problems can be rectified with a marketing automation software. It gives your sales team 5 key advantages that help them sell better. You can read all about it on 5 ways a marketing automation software helps improve sales. I shall give you the outline right here.


1. Organize the captured leads

1. Organize the captured leads

Capture leads from all your sources with #marketingautomation. They can instantly be delivered to sales team for them to work on. It is way more organized and you spend less time processing it. #LeadCaptureautomation #noleadleakage


2. Identify whom to call, and whom to call first

2. Identify whom to call, and whom to call first

With a marketing automation software, you can easily qualify and prioritize your leads. No more time spent chasing the wrong leads! #increaseconversions, #increasesales


3. Understand Lead Requirement

3. Understand Lead Requirement

Understand what your lead wants by tracking his website activity - #activitytracking


4. Reduce Response Time

4. Reduce Response Time

Reduce Response Time with Automation - #smartselling #easyselling #sellmore with autoresponders and instant alerts.


5. Send Targeted, personalized emails

5. Send Targeted, personalized emails

That is an example of an email I received - very relevant email with a personalized message! #Greatemail, #marketingautomationsoftware


Bonus - The Solution: How your sales and marketing cycle will function with Marketing automation software

Bonus - The Solution: How your sales and marketing cycle will function with Marketing automation software

And that is how a #marketingautomation software helps #improveROI. It streamlines your customer acquisition cycle and aligns #Sales and #marketing, so that your sales team can #sellmore