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Updated by Robert Jordan on Feb 13, 2017
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Data Driven Marketing

As a Database marketing company, Infoclutch offers custom marketing data solutions across the globe including Technology users, industry-wise and country-wise marketing data


Steps to Boost Your Thanksgiving Day 2016 Email Open Rate

Steps to Boost Your Thanksgiving Day 2016 Email Open Rate

Thanksgiving Day followed by Black Friday and Cyber Monday acts as an excellent way to attract customer, improve conversion rates and drive sales. Here are the Steps to Boost Your Thanksgiving Day Email Open Rate.

How search marketing decisions could make leads walk away?

Search Marketing offers an array of tools to help marketers reach their goals well planned, However, to stay on course and generate leads it is necessary to use the right analysis tool. Here are some facts to prevent sales and leads from leaking.

How To Turn Strangers Into Paying Customers??

The rise of social media channels has transformed the way we play games, So here are the tips to know for long lasting relationship with followers on social media.

Email marketing has proved to be an effective tool for marketers helping them to stay connected with consumers & attract higher response rates and get better leads at a low cost. To give you that extra boost and confidence, here we have collected 16 email marketing related stats.

How to Trigger Ecommerce Conversion Rate this Holiday Season?

The holiday season has started and it is going to sustain for couple of months. So, here is your opportunity to boost conversion rate.

Ideas To Inflate Your Conversion Figures

The leads you immediately encounter aren’t conversion ready and their numbers slightly peek over 50%.So here are the ideas to Inflate Your Conversion Figures.

Christmas Email Marketing Tricks To Make Bulging Profits

Timely delivery of services and products with consistency will bolster the faith.The game needs to be adept at cranking the right email marketing tricks and timing it accordingly.

The Primary Ingredient Of A Successful Email Marketing

Looking to build a successful email marketing campaign? Here are the Ingredients which can be helpfull to create a Successful Email Marketing campaign

Multiply Your Email List Through Social Media

Multiplying the email list is vital for any organization helps database to connect with business prospects. So here are the ways which can help you to build email list via social media.

Marketing Data Sources that Will Strengthen Your Content

To make the job easier for your content writers, we have listed five sources of marketing data that will take your content marketing to new heights of success.

How Data is Triggering the Growth of the UK Research Market Industry?

Data is gold. Marketers are paying big money for high value demographic data for shaping decisions in 2016. Read more to know how data influences modern business strategy.

Are You Walking a Successful Buying Path with Your Customers?

The forces of effective communication and trust building through user experience drive the buyer centric marketplace. Getting into the consumer’s shoes is the only way to reach goals.

Email Marketing Tips for Agents To Boost Conversions

Electronic mail is an apex marketing platform to reach millions or perhaps more by saving enormous expenses and efforts. Here are 6 email marketing tips you should be trying.

Why is email list hygiene so important?

Getting your messages delivered to the right prospect at their right address is as important as planning your marketing campaigns. Having a comprehensive email list is not going to serve your purpose. If the list of your targeted audience is filled with old and incomplete details then you end up screwing up your campaign productivity. Hence, frequent cleaning has to be done for maintaining the quality and responsiveness of the list.