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Updated by zenas_suitcase on Aug 24, 2017
22 items   1 followers   0 votes   934 views

Parenting, Lifestyle & Travel Blogs With CommentLuv Enabled

CommentLuv is a WordPress plugin that rewards readers and visitors who comment on your blog with a follow link to their latest blog post. This lists is focused on Mummy and Parenting blogs with the CommentLuv plugin enabled that will provide your blog with a follow link back to your website. Follow links really help your blog from an SEO perspective and get you ranked higher in Google searches.

There are lots of different commenting systems available to bloggers, but I have used CommentLuv since Zena's Suitcase became a self hosted blog. Not all commenting systems reward visitors with follow links so a blog commenting strategy can be helpful in boosting your blog.

Leaving comments on blogs is still a really beneficial way of growing your blog, but comments should be meaningful and relevant to the blog you are visiting. If you leave short, irrelevant comments you risk your own blog being marked as spam.

Having CommentLuv enabled on your blog runs the risk of attracting spam comments, but any webmaster knows that some degree of comment moderation is required to keep your blog spam free. Using an antispam plugin like Akismet will help you to keep on top of spam comments hitting your blog.

If you would like join the CommentLuv enabled blog list, either click 'add to list' to add your link or contact me so I can add your blog.

Zena's Suitcase - Travel, Lifestyle & Parenting Blog

Travel, Lifestyle & Parenting Blog

Nine to Three Thirty

ChelseaMamma - Fun, Family, Travel and Photography

Fun, Family, Travel and Photography

Are We Nearly There Yet? - Travelling with the family home and away

Travelling with the family home and away

Little Steps

Motherhood and coastal living.

Little Pickle's Mom

Parenting lifestyle blog of Holly, first time Mom to Pickle, lover of crafts and outdoors adventures

Life Unexpected

Life Unexpected - a parenting and lifestyle blog with a Cornish twist.

With love from Lou - Fashion : Beauty : Lifestyle

A fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog written by 31 year old mum of 2, Louise.

Oscar's Toybox - Toy reviews for kids of all ages

Toy reviews for kids of all ages

MENTAL PARENTALS - UK Modern Family Lifestyle Blog

UK Modern Family Lifestyle Blog

Middle Piccadilly Spa Retreat | Pinkoddy's Blog

If you want a normal boring Spa Retreat go somewhere else - Middle Piccadilly is different - it is magical and changed my life.

The Sensory Seeker - Seeking answer to the Sensory needs

The Little Match Girl – Relaxed Performance

The Inspiration Edit -

Pink Pyjamas Sylvias Style Last week as the weather turned the coldest it’s been Sylvia was in need of some really good tights. I have to be honest, I’ve tried stockings and tights from a…

Website at

Ickle Pickles Life and Travels

We Made This Life

We Made This Life - A Parenting and Lifestyle Blog