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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for Health Benefits of Steam-Rooms
Joanna James Joanna James
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Health Benefits of Steam-Rooms

Spas are fast becoming one of the most sought after mediums for personal relaxation, especially when travellers go on holiday. Here are some of the health benefits of paying a visit to the spa!


Relieves Tension

The warmth of the sauna works many wonders on the human body, such as relaxing the muscles and soothing one's nerve endings. The high heat of saunas and steam rooms can minimize joint pains such as arthritis, migraines and headaches. This is perhaps the main reason island establishments such as Anantara Layan Phuket Resort offers spa and steam sessions.


Redues Stress

A steam-room's warm embrace initiates the release of 'happy-hormones' known as endorphins that work their way into relieving the body and mind of stress, enabling one to feel revitalised upon the conclusion of a sauna session. A luxury spa in Phuket would aim to get rid of that stress minutes after entering!


Clears the Skin

Basking in the ambience of steam can wipe out the skin of impurities. Even acne can be treated with the use of steam baths. The heat causes the dilation of blood vessels, effectively increasing circulation throughout the body, resulting in a glowing and lively complexion.


Aids in Weight-Loss

Heat results in sweat, and sweating results in weight loss. So simply having a series of visits to a spa can easily result in some significant weight loss.


Opens the Sinuses

The combination of heat and moisture has the effect of opening up the body's mucous membranes, resulting in an instant remedy for those suffering from sinus infections and chronic congestions. Those suffering from phlegm will experience clearer and more liberated breathing following a steam-room session.


Removes Toxins

Sweating aids the body in getting rid of impurities, and even a 20-minute session in a spa can result in a significant amount of toxins and impurities lost through sweat.


Treatment of Cardio-Vascular Disease

The human body's reaction to heat is very similar to its reaction to exercise, therefore time spent in a steam-room can get the heart pumping, effectively exercising the muscle without placing any strain on it. This would result in the strengthening of the heart but void of the threat of harmful injury.


Stimulating Healthy Blood-Flow

Blood vessels dilate when exposed to heat, increasing the amount of oxygen received by the blood and subsequently, absorbed by the body. This leads to one feeling more energetic and revitalised.


Post-Workout Relaxation

In order for the healthy recovery of muscle, they need to be stretched and relaxed following and intensive workout regime. Exercise results in microscopic tears in the fibres of the muscles, whose subsequent recovery leads to the production of larger and stronger ones. A steam-bath catalyses this process, enabling you to gain swifter results and ease muscle soreness simultaneously.


Encourages Social Interaction

What's better than engaging in a soothing and relaxing activity following a tiring day, than being able to do so with a loved one or in the company of close friends? A social spa-session can greatly enhance the already positive effects of a steam-bath and will eventually leave both the mind and body feeling completely revitalised, with an added sense of self-esteem and motive to lead a healthy lifestyle.

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