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Updated by Iñigo Rodríguez on Oct 25, 2016
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Emotional management, empathy and emotional intelligence

Emotions constitute one of the key aspects in education and significantly influence academic performance.
The aim of this list is to provide some useful resources to people interested in this topic.
This list has been suggested by: "Curso de Tutores para la Formación en Red", INTEF (Spanish Ministry of Education).

"2 Thoughts on Emotional Intelligence” , an article by Daniel Goleman about his previous book

Iñigo_Curso de Tutores para la Formación en Red

This interesting article by Daniel Goleman is based on the book "Emotional Intelligence", written by the same author.
It thoroughly describes the influence of the work by John Mayer and Peter Salovey about "emotional intelligence" on all aspects of education.
I would like to highlight a couple of points on the article:

1) The description of some Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) programs at some USA schools. Some of their objectives are:
a) recognize and label students' own emotions and how they lead them to act; b) lessons in empathy to identify the nonverbal clues to how someone else feels; c) analyze what creates stress for students or what motivates their best performance; d) listening and talking in ways that resolve conflicts.

2) The impact of emotional intelligence in the world of business, particularly in the areas of leadership and employee development. As might be expected, this aspect also influences educational organizations.

"Teaching Strategies: The Importance of Empathy", by Jordan Catapano

Iñigo_Curso de Tutores para la Formación en Red

This article by Jordan Catapano provides some useful tips to use and promote empathy in both face-to-face and online teaching and learning. Some of the suggestions are the following ones:

a) Be an example. Know that your students watch you and learn from your character and behaviors as much as they do from your instruction -¡the hidden curriculum!-.
b) Create the environment. It’s important that your students trust you and one another.
c) Include lots of stories. They make us more human and develop our ability to understand and sympathize with others’ experiences.
d) Work on communication strategies. Give attention to helping students find the words to explain their feelings (speaking and writing).
e) Offer collaborative group tasks which bring students together. Shared victory or failure gives them a rich collaborative experience. In addition, these tasks help them to identify shared values and differences.

"Selected reprints of The Personality Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire" (directed by John. D. Mayer)

Iñigo_Curso de Tutores para la Formación en Red

This is a very interesting link with access to the publications of the Department directed by John D. Mayer, who is considered as one of the fathers of the "emotional intelligence" construct.

The following reference corresponds to a particularly interesting paper:
Salovey, P. & Mayer, J.D. (1990). Emotional intelligence. Imagination, Cognition, and Personality, 9(3), 185-211.
Here you have some important points of the article:

1) Emotional intelligence is probably related to general intelligence in being an ability, although it may have some differences in its mechanisms and manifestations.
2) Emotionally intelligent individuals may be more aware of their own feelings and those of others (better able to label and communicate them).

"Inside Out Extended Clip", from the official Disney-Pixar YouTube Channel

Iñigo_Curso de Tutores para la Formación en Red

Inside Out is an excellent cartoon movie (directed by Pete Docter) which deals with the emotions of a girl as she grows up (joy, sadness, anger, disgust, fear...).

I believe watching this movie should be a must for all workers in the field of education, since it promotes interesting and useful reflections.


"Smileys", by Clker-Free-Vector-Images in

"Smileys", by Clker-Free-Vector-Images in

Iñigo_Curso de Tutores para la Formación en Red

Smileys form an excellent resource to work about emotions with young students.
They can be used in many class activities to promote a better understanding of how someone feels. In addition, they are frequently used in self-assessment rubrics with the youngest students.

For instance, many eTwinning projects make use of smileys in teaching and learning processes.

"Emotions in Science teaching", by Vicente Mellado and collaborators

Iñigo_Curso de Tutores para la Formación en Red

This is an excellent article in the journal Enseñanza de las Ciencias, which is probably the best one about science education in Spanish language.

It is written by Vicente Mellado (Universidad de Extremadura) and collaborators, and it deals with a topic which is usually forgotten in the teaching and learning of science: the emotions.

Science teachers should take into account that scientific subjects are usually considered as "difficult" and "boring" by students (specially in high school). This fact should be considered when designing the classes, in order to promote motivation.