Listly by Ricky Bell
Why you should be on this list:
#1: Get yourself connected to colleagues globally. #2: Get your ideas out there. #3: Exposure to recent papers, new blog posts, and science news #4: Practice succinct science communication #scicomm #5: Exposure to job postings, grants & scholarships, short course info. #6: Follow-up with connections/networks made at courses and conferences #7: Promote your research or clinical ideas #8: Develop potential research collaborations #9: Have some fun and much more!
The latest Tweets from Active + (@ActivePlusNZ). Tweets from the Active+ group, your Physio, Pilates, Rehab & Therapy experts in NZ. Andy Schmidt & Hannah Stanford tweeting. North Island, New Zealand
The latest Tweets from Angela Cadogan (@drangelacadogan). Physiotherapy Specialist (Musculoskeletal) ▪ PhD Musculoskeletal Diagnostics (AUT
University) ▪ Clinical and
research interest in shoulder conditions. Christchurch, New Zealand
The latest Tweets from Angela S. Gisselman (@ASGPhysio). Ortho/sport physio. PhD candidate U of Otago (MSK overuse injuries, HRV/ANS). Duke DPT & Miami U alumna. BJSM Twitter as 'ASG'. Adventurer 🚵🏻🌄🌌. Dunedin, New Zealand
The latest Tweets from Anne Campbell (@AnneScottC1). Physiotherapist working in musculoskeletal practice in Wellington New Zealand. Wellington City, New Zealand
The latest Tweets from Aust. Physio Assoc. (@apaphysio). Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) is the peak body representing physiotherapists and their patients. Retweets are not an indication of endorsement. Melbourne, Australia
The latest Tweets from Bill Vicenzino (@Bill_Vicenzino). Professor in Sports Physiotherapy, Sports Injuries Rehabilitation and Prevention for Health research unit (SIRPH). University of Queensland
The latest Tweets from Bobbie-Jo Strong (@PivotalMotion). physiotherapist. sports addict. loves prehab & rehab. a fixer. rugby/baseball⚾/gaelic footy/volleyball. Brisbane, Australia
The latest Tweets from Bronwyn Harman (@BronwynHarman). Lecturer AUT: Musculoskeletal Team Leader. Research interests: Orthopaedic rehabilitation, physical activity. Auckland, New Zealand.
The latest Tweets from Catherine Sykes (@53CRS). Professional Policy Consultant at the World Confederation for Physical Therapy and Senior Research Fellow, University of Sydney Views expressed are my own. London, UK
The latest Tweets from Chantal Lauzon (@1995cjl). I am proud to be a physiotherapist! I am the Senior Practice Manager at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. Ottawa
The latest Tweets from Charlotte Wåhlin (@CSWahlin). PhD/Researcher interested in Occupational Safety #Ergonomics #Rehabilitation #Stressprevention #Physiotherapy #Globalpt #Scicomm #Exercise #Arbetsmiljo #Friskis. County Council & KI, Sweden
The latest Tweets from CHARR Otago (@OtagoCHARR). Centre for Health, Activity, and Rehabilitation Research, School of Physiotherapy, University of Otago. Dunedin, New Zealand
The latest Tweets from Cris Massis (@crismassis). CEO of the Australian Physiotherapy Association. Melbourne, Australia
The latest Tweets from CriticalHealthPhilos (@AnnaIlonaRajala). Philosophy/bioethics PhD cand & physiotherapist. Tweets/RTs about health, humanities and almost everything in between (ethics and philosophy mostly). My views. England, United Kingdom
The latest Tweets from Daniel Cury Ribeiro (@danielcr). Lecturer at the School of Physiotherapy, University of Otago - NZ. Dunedin - NZ
The latest Tweets from Dave Baxter (@PhysioDean). Avid healthcare researcher & recreational coffee enthusiast, Professor at University of Otago School of Physiotherapy, Editor Physical Therapy Reviews. New Zealand
The latest Tweets from Dave Nicholls (@DaveNicholls3). Physiotherapist with strong interest in history, social sciences, philosophy and Wolverhampton Wanderers. All opinions are Foucault's. Auckland, New Zealand
The latest Tweets from Donald Manlapaz (@donaldmanlapaz). Physiotherapist, Osteoarthritis researcher, lecturer. Dunedin City, New Zealand
The latest Tweets from Dr Nada Signal (@signal_nada). PhysiotherapistResearcherNeuroscientist. Passionate about development of novel & translatable rehabilitation interventions & technologies. Proud mum & kiwi
The latest Tweets from Emma Stokes (@ekstokes). Physiotherapist-Physical Therapist, @tcddublin lecturer & researcher, President of World Confederation for Physical Therapy @wcpt1951. Views expressed my own. Dublin
The latest Tweets from Fiona Cran (@FionaCranPhysio). Physiotherapist - babies, children, teens. Clinical education, primary health, more physical activity, less sedentary behaviour in preschoolers. Tweets my own. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
The latest Tweets from fionak (@fionak132). Health services manager, chartered physiotherapist; passionate about quality improvement, frontline ownership, staff engagement and patient centered care. Dublin City, Ireland
The latest Tweets from Greg Todd (@GregToddPT). Top Physical Therapist/Entrepreneur, Business and Career Coach, Consultant, Social Media and Marketing. Odessa, FL
The latest Tweets from Hands On Rehab (@hands_on_rehab): "The winner of our Facebook comp has been announced"
The latest Tweets from Hemakumar Devan (@Hem_Physio). An early career researcher interested in understanding pain and movement in people with mobility impairment & incorporating tech in teaching & rehab. Dunedin