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Updated by Ricky Bell on Oct 21, 2016
Headline for Physiotherapists / Physical Therapists / Physiotherapy / Physio on Twitter
Ricky Bell Ricky Bell
57 items   2 followers   0 votes   53 views

Physiotherapists / Physical Therapists / Physiotherapy / Physio on Twitter

Why you should be on this list:

#1: Get yourself connected to colleagues globally. #2: Get your ideas out there. #3: Exposure to recent papers, new blog posts, and science news #4: Practice succinct science communication #scicomm #5: Exposure to job postings, grants & scholarships, short course info. #6: Follow-up with connections/networks made at courses and conferences #7: Promote your research or clinical ideas #8: Develop potential research collaborations #9: Have some fun and much more!

Active +

The latest Tweets from Active + (@ActivePlusNZ). Tweets from the Active+ group, your Physio, Pilates, Rehab & Therapy experts in NZ. Andy Schmidt & Hannah Stanford tweeting. North Island, New Zealand

Angela Cadogan

The latest Tweets from Angela Cadogan (@drangelacadogan). Physiotherapy Specialist (Musculoskeletal) ▪ PhD Musculoskeletal Diagnostics (AUT
University) ▪ Clinical and
research interest in shoulder conditions. Christchurch, New Zealand

Angela S. Gisselman

The latest Tweets from Angela S. Gisselman (@ASGPhysio). Ortho/sport physio. PhD candidate U of Otago (MSK overuse injuries, HRV/ANS). Duke DPT & Miami U alumna. BJSM Twitter as 'ASG'. Adventurer 🚵🏻🌄🌌. Dunedin, New Zealand

Anne Campbell

The latest Tweets from Anne Campbell (@AnneScottC1). Physiotherapist working in musculoskeletal practice in Wellington New Zealand. Wellington City, New Zealand

Aust. Physio Assoc.

The latest Tweets from Aust. Physio Assoc. (@apaphysio). Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) is the peak body representing physiotherapists and their patients. Retweets are not an indication of endorsement. Melbourne, Australia

Bill Vicenzino

The latest Tweets from Bill Vicenzino (@Bill_Vicenzino). Professor in Sports Physiotherapy, Sports Injuries Rehabilitation and Prevention for Health research unit (SIRPH). University of Queensland

Bobbie-Jo Strong

The latest Tweets from Bobbie-Jo Strong (@PivotalMotion). physiotherapist. sports addict. loves prehab & rehab. a fixer. rugby/baseball⚾/gaelic footy/volleyball. Brisbane, Australia

Bronwyn Harman

The latest Tweets from Bronwyn Harman (@BronwynHarman). Lecturer AUT: Musculoskeletal Team Leader. Research interests: Orthopaedic rehabilitation, physical activity. Auckland, New Zealand.

Catherine Sykes

The latest Tweets from Catherine Sykes (@53CRS). Professional Policy Consultant at the World Confederation for Physical Therapy and Senior Research Fellow, University of Sydney Views expressed are my own. London, UK

Chantal Lauzon

The latest Tweets from Chantal Lauzon (@1995cjl). I am proud to be a physiotherapist! I am the Senior Practice Manager at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. Ottawa

Charlotte Wåhlin

The latest Tweets from Charlotte Wåhlin (@CSWahlin). PhD/Researcher interested in Occupational Safety #Ergonomics #Rehabilitation #Stressprevention #Physiotherapy #Globalpt #Scicomm #Exercise #Arbetsmiljo #Friskis. County Council & KI, Sweden


The latest Tweets from CHARR Otago (@OtagoCHARR). Centre for Health, Activity, and Rehabilitation Research, School of Physiotherapy, University of Otago. Dunedin, New Zealand

Cris Massis

The latest Tweets from Cris Massis (@crismassis). CEO of the Australian Physiotherapy Association. Melbourne, Australia


The latest Tweets from CriticalHealthPhilos (@AnnaIlonaRajala). Philosophy/bioethics PhD cand & physiotherapist. Tweets/RTs about health, humanities and almost everything in between (ethics and philosophy mostly). My views. England, United Kingdom

Daniel Cury Ribeiro

The latest Tweets from Daniel Cury Ribeiro (@danielcr). Lecturer at the School of Physiotherapy, University of Otago - NZ. Dunedin - NZ

Dave Baxter

The latest Tweets from Dave Baxter (@PhysioDean). Avid healthcare researcher & recreational coffee enthusiast, Professor at University of Otago School of Physiotherapy, Editor Physical Therapy Reviews. New Zealand

Dave Nicholls

The latest Tweets from Dave Nicholls (@DaveNicholls3). Physiotherapist with strong interest in history, social sciences, philosophy and Wolverhampton Wanderers. All opinions are Foucault's. Auckland, New Zealand

Donald Manlapaz

The latest Tweets from Donald Manlapaz (@donaldmanlapaz). Physiotherapist, Osteoarthritis researcher, lecturer. Dunedin City, New Zealand

Dr Nada Signal

The latest Tweets from Dr Nada Signal (@signal_nada). PhysiotherapistResearcherNeuroscientist. Passionate about development of novel & translatable rehabilitation interventions & technologies. Proud mum & kiwi

Emma Stokes

The latest Tweets from Emma Stokes (@ekstokes). Physiotherapist-Physical Therapist, @tcddublin lecturer & researcher, President of World Confederation for Physical Therapy @wcpt1951. Views expressed my own. Dublin

Fiona Cran

The latest Tweets from Fiona Cran (@FionaCranPhysio). Physiotherapist - babies, children, teens. Clinical education, primary health, more physical activity, less sedentary behaviour in preschoolers. Tweets my own. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia




The latest Tweets from fionak (@fionak132). Health services manager, chartered physiotherapist; passionate about quality improvement, frontline ownership, staff engagement and patient centered care. Dublin City, Ireland

Greg Todd

The latest Tweets from Greg Todd (@GregToddPT). Top Physical Therapist/Entrepreneur, Business and Career Coach, Consultant, Social Media and Marketing. Odessa, FL

Hands On Rehab

The latest Tweets from Hands On Rehab (@hands_on_rehab): "The winner of our Facebook comp has been announced"

Hemakumar Devan

The latest Tweets from Hemakumar Devan (@Hem_Physio). An early career researcher interested in understanding pain and movement in people with mobility impairment & incorporating tech in teaching & rehab. Dunedin