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Updated by Martina McKeough on Oct 14, 2016
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Hypnotherapy for Emetophobia

What is Emetophobia and how can hypnosis help?


Emetophobia is an Anxiety Disorder

Emetophobia is an Anxiety Disorder

People who have a fear of being sick or of seeing someone else being sick have an anxiety disorder which is very closely linked to the cycle of panic disorder.


People with Emetophobia will avoid Eating out in restaurants

People with Emetophobia will avoid Eating out in restaurants

If you have a fear of being sick you will avoid other people who are ill.

If you have a fear of being sick you will avoid other people who are ill.

Women may avoid becoming pregnant because of morning sickness

Women may avoid becoming pregnant because of morning sickness

Hypnotherapy is Used to Firstly Reduce the Anxiety

Hypnotherapy is Used to Firstly Reduce the Anxiety

Anxiety hypnosis helps to make the sufferer feel calmer and more in control. It can also help to reduce the cycle of panic.


Exposure Therapy Under Hypnosis

Exposure Therapy Under Hypnosis

Under hypnosis we can also start to expose you to the problem perhaps via pictures or video clips. The more you are exposed the more you become desensitised so that the problem starts to vanish.