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Updated by sergio-becerra on Oct 03, 2016
Headline for Role of Ancient Egyptian Women
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Role of Ancient Egyptian Women

Links, articles, pictures of what the role of women was like in ancient Egypt.

The Status of Women in Egyptian Society

This article contains very good secondary documents. Touches the power of what these Egyptian women had, more specifically marriage.

Women in Ancient Egyptian Society

In ancient Egyptian society, women were treated differently than women of other ancient societies. Ancient Egyptian society offered women the greatest opportunities of the Mediterranean societies in relation to their economic, legal, and social positions. They enjoyed the same legal, economic and social rights as Egyptian men. Even though the primary source evidence is limited, it is still possible to use evidence found in temples, tombs on monuments, artwork and surviving texts to establish the role of women in Egyptian society.


Hatshepsut was a female pharaoh in Eighteenth Dynasty Egypt who rose to prominence as ruler after the death of her husband Thuthmosis II. Describes the power of woman and how strong they could be without the assistance of a man. Good primary source.

3f. Women of Ancient Egypt

Just basic information about important Egyptian woman, such as Cleopatra.

Examining the Lives of Ancient Egyptian Women - Biblical Archaeology Society

Primary documents that can be used for point of views of a woman.

Egyptian Women

Egyptian women facts