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In C Programming Operators are the symbols, used to perform mathematical and logical operations. You can use C Operator on individual values or a variables.
Arithmetic operators in C includes Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Modulus and they are binary operators so, they operate on two operands.
Relational operators in C are mostly used in either decision making or loops in C programming. If the relation is true then it returns value 1 otherwise 0.
Logical operators in C are used to combine two or more conditions and perform logical operations using && (Logical AND), || (Logical OR) and ! (Logical NOT)
Assignment operators in C language are used to assign the values to declared variables. Equals (=) operator is the most commonly used assignment operator.
Increment and Decrement Operators in C are used to increase or decrease value by 1. For instance, ++ is used to increase by 1 & -- is to decrease value by 1
Conditional Operator in C is also called as Ternary operator. If the given test condition is true then it will return statement1 else statement2 is returned
Bitwise operators in C are used to perform bit operations. All decimal values will be converted into binary values (sequence of bits i.e 0100, 1100 etc)
sizeof operator mostly used in finding array size, structure size. The C sizeof operator returns size (number of bytes) of declared variable or data type.
The functionality of Switch case in C is same as IF. Switch Case in C may have n number of cases & it compares expression value with values assigned in Case
Goto statement in C is used to alter program flow. When compiler reaches goto statement, it will jump unconditionally (both forward & backward) to location.
Continue Statement in C: While executing loops, if compiler find continue inside it, loop will stop current iteration & starts new iteration from beginning.
Break statement in C is very useful to exit from any loop such as For Loop, While Loop & Do While Loop. Break statement in C plays vital role in switch case
Placing IF Statement inside another IF Statement is called Nested IF in C. If we want to check further even when the condition is TRUE, use Nested IF in C
The Else If statement in C Programming is very useful when we have to check several conditions. Else If in C execute multiple statements sequentially
If Else statement in C Programming is an extension to the If Statement. If Else statement will execute the statements when the condition is True or false.
If statement in C Language is one of the most useful decision making statement. It test the condition first, depending on result it will execute statements.
While loop in C is used to repeat a block of statements for given number of times, until the condition is False. while loop in c may execute 0 or more times
The Do While loop in C will test the condition at the end of loop so Do While executes the statements in code block at least once even the condition Fails.
The For Loop in C Programming is used to execute certain block of statements or code for n number of times until test condition is false.
Array in C Programming is a collection of similar type of elements (Type may be integer, float and long etc) and we can’t store multiple data type values.
Two Dimensional Array in C is nothing but an Array of Arrays. In 2D Array, data is stored in row and column. To access the record we use row & column index.
Multi Dimensional Array In C means placing n number of brackets we can declare n-dimensional array where n is dimension number. For example, int a
In this article, We will show you, How to find string length using strlen and without using strlen function
Strupr in C: The Strupr() function is one of the C String Function which is used to convert the given characters or string into Uppercase letters.