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Updated by fiona on Sep 19, 2016
fiona fiona
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Microsoft in Education posts this week #69

How to Use Narrated Presentations With Voice Overs in the Classroom

Examples of ways students can use Visme's audio feature to create narrated, self-running presentations with voice overs.

Class Hacks Contest Voting

ou're creative, resourceful, and have dabbled in the wonderful world of edtech. There's also a good chance you've discovered a nifty shortcut using Microsoft technology that has helped you get things done more quickly and efficiently. If so, share these tips with the world! On September 24, 2016, from 8:00a.m. to 10:00a.m. PST, Microsoft will be live-streaming the second #HackTheClassroom event, featuring keynote spakers John Kao and Jordan Shapiro. Submit your one-minute video and the top three Class Hacks, as voted by the public, will be broadcast live during the stream.

Microsoft Hack the Classroom Registration - Microsoft Education

Sign up for this free digital event designed to give educators insight into the latest trends in education.

Badges, points and certificates - Badges and points

Badges are a great way to find experienced educators in the community and showcase your expertise wtih educators around the globe. You can earn points for each course successfully completed and for a variety of other activities as well. Find out how to earn points HERE and see the different badges below.

Zoom for PowerPoint ​

Zoom helps you easily navigate through your presentation in any order you choose, from one interactive summary slide all within a few clicks. Makes navigatin...


Extending growing patterns using Minecraft

25 excellent apps to install on your new Windows tablet

From entertainment offerings to e-reading tools to apps that bask in 'One Microsoft' synergies, these are the apps you should install on your new tablet right now.

Bill Gates thinks this should be the future of education

In a blog post, Bill Gates explores personalized learning.

3 ways the restructured Educator Community better supports educators

If you’ve visited the Microsoft Educator Community lately, you may have noticed that things look a little different. We’re delighted to announce that the entire site has been restructured to better support educators around the world, and it’s all thanks to you every new button, navigation path, and design update was made not only with...

Prepare to Teach Creative Coding Through Games and Apps

This video-on-demand course prepares teachers to teach Creative Coding through Games and Apps (“CCGA”) by

Detailing the scope and sequence of CCGA’s curricular units
Providing an overview of CCGA course materials with suggestions how to use them
Providing strategies for preparing to teach CCGA
Providing pedagogical tips for working with students in a collaborative, inquiry-based classroom