Listly by Brianna Leight
A list of vacation places and why they are attracting people.
New York provides lots of jobs and is mainly used for commercials
Disney World is extremely popular because of the famous Disney shows and kids love to see their favorite characters in person
Washington DC is popular because of it's tourist attractions. Examples: Whitehouse, The Washington Monument, etc.
Niagara Falls is a big tourist attraction because it is the largest waterfall in the world
Myrtle Beach is a big attraction because of its beaches
Dallas is very popular because it is "fancy" and people enjoy the nature
Miami is popular because of its natural beauty
Las Vegas is popular because of its casinos and vibrant nightlife
Hawaii is a big attraction because of its beaches and is great to go for vacation and do outside activites
Houston, Texas is popular because of its museums and family activity places (zoos, aquariums, etc.)