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Updated by WhatUsersDo on Aug 22, 2017
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Flashback Friday: Best Articles in UX Design This Week (Aug 29 - Sep 2)

What's the best of UX Design this week? We cherry-picked the most shared articles from around the web.

If you want to stay on top of UX trends, then you've come to the right place!

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Why Won't Apple Fix The iPhone's One Huge Design Flaw?

By Mark Wilson

Twenty-five percent of iPhones break in exactly the same way. It's not just a design problem, it's a UX problem.

5 Design Jobs That Won't Exist In The Future

By John Brownlee

We talked to a dozen design leaders and thinkers from companies such as Frog, Artefact, and Ideo to find out which design jobs could die out in the next 15 years, and which could grow.

Add sketching to your design workflow

By Jim McCauley

With computerised workflows being the default way of approaching design today, it's easy to underestimate just how useful sketching can be in the design process. Obviously it's a great way to quickly and easily rough out ideas and prototypes, but sketching can be a much more effective and versatile tool than you might realise.

The Design Process

By Pablo Stanley

When I had just moved to San Francisco, I was instantly intimidated by all the cool phrases my colleagues used. “Damn, these guys must know a lot,” I thought. I had been a designer for a long time but I felt like a noob around the UX experts. If I wanted to succeed, I had to learn the language — communicate like a pro! Then I realized most of them were just in a jargon-measuring contest––they were just as ignorant as me.

Google Has A Solution For The UX Design Education Gap: Google

By Diana Budds

As a profession, "designer" is constantly evolving. Fifty years ago, chances are you'd either be a graphic designer, industrial designer, or furniture designer. In five decades, you might be an artificial organ designer, a cybernetic director, or fusionist, according to some futurecasting pros. But today...