Listly by Heidi Herr
What is a biome? What are Earth's biomes? What biome do you live in? What plants and animals live in this biome?
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a different part of the world? What would the weather be like? What kinds of animals would you see? Which plants live there? Investigate these questions at NASA's Mission: Biome!
How are biomes like dog breeds? Find out on the Ask A Biologist: Biomes of the World page!
Would you like to know what the weather is like in different biomes around the world? How about the types of plants and animals that live in these biomes? Here you will find all sorts of information about the world's biomes.
A biome is a large geographical area of distinctive plant and animal groups which are adapted to that particular environment. Most terrestrial biomes are defined by the dominant plant life. The plant life is determined in part by the climate in a region, and climate is controlled by many factors, including latitude and geography. Discover biomes on Untamed Science's Biomes site.
Welcome to the World's Biomes Page! Biomes are defined as "the world's major communities,
classified according to the predominant vegetation and characterized by
adaptations of organisms to that particular environment" (Campbell).
This page is created by the University of California Museum of Paleontology.
Describe the five different groupings of biomes. Follow the links to the individual biomes to discover more.
What do we need to know to understand the world's biomes? Visit this site to find out! Choose two biomes to discover more.
What is the biggest biome? the smallest? What is the coldest biome? Find out all about these on Kids Discover: Biomes!
Did you know there are two kinds of rainforests? Learn all about these and other amazing biomes in Missouri Botanical Garden's Biomes of the World!
Discover the plants and animals belonging to the Earth's biomes. What is th Un-Biome? Find out on the University of Arizona Geosciences Antevs Library: Biome page!