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Updated by Lisa Sicard on Mar 04, 2025
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Lisa Sicard Lisa Sicard
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Social Media How To's and Latest Social Media News

Social media tips and how to guides.
Keep up here with social media!

Never Miss Important Social Media Updates

It's easy for important posts from friends and colleagues to get drowned out in all the social media noise. Get the notifications you need! Instructions for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, YouTube, Vine and Periscope.

3 Effective Social Media Tips for the Most Popular Platforms

Here are three effective social media tips for the most popular networks out there: Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.

#SMhack Social Media Management System Made Simple

SMhack Social Media Management Software Made Simple SMhack social media management system wants to make your social media marketing easier. I was thrilled

Do You Know Your Social Media Etiquette Today?

Do you know your social media etiquette today on the different social media networks? Some tips may vary from each social media channel

Expand Your Social Media Presence With These 5 Quick Tips - Weigh Your Mind

Expand Your Social Media Presence With These 5 Quick Tips

How to Find New Clients for Your Social Media Agency [Webinar]

In a recent webinar hosted by SMhack in partnership with Lisa Sicard, social media expert and author of ‘Learn to Tweet and Thrive on Twitter’, we discussed the different ways in which a social media

Why Tracking Your Social Media Analytics is Essential for Business Growth

Tracking Your Social Media Analytics for Your Business Growth is Essential Social media is becoming more powerful with each passing day. There are no two w

How to Make Money with Snapchat Online or with the App

How to use Snapchat Online and with the app to generate blog traffic and make money blogging.

Top 55 Social Media Marketing Influencers to Follow in 2018

Social Media Marketing is the lifeblood of any online business or brand. It is immensely difficult for a business to imagine their online success without having an effective social media marketing strategy in hand.

How To Make Yourself Prepared If Facebook Goes Down

Are You Prepared If Facebook Goes Down Again? You've probably heard me and others often say 'you must have a blog for your business in case your rented

Facebook Page Likes – Can They Generate Money for Your Business?

Do  Facebook page likes generate business? Do you think many Facebook page likes will generate revenue for your business? When Facebook Pages first came Do Facebook page likes generate money for your business? Learn how to optimize your Facebook page to generate more business from it today!

43 Most Influential Social Media Marketers You Should Be Following

If you want a cohesive list of Influencers, check out our compilation. We promise you won't be disappointed!

How to Quickly Get Your Facebook Boosted Post Approved

Today How to quickly get your Facebook boosted post approved sometimes can be tricky. Writing How to quickly get your Facebook boosted post approved and not have it be denied again with tips on how to edit your Facebook posts when necessary.

Learn How To Tag People on Social Media and When To Do It

How To Tag People on Social Media Do you remember playing tag in elementary school? You would run around the playground and tap (tag) somebody so they Learn how to tag people on social media properly and when to do it so you don't look like a spammer and have people unlike and unfollow you.

3 Reasons You Will Love Agorapulse for Social Media Management

Why YOU Will Love Agorapulse for Social Media Management! Are you looking for a social media management tool that will do more for you today? Agorapulse

Learn How To Tag People on Social Media and When To Do It

How To Tag People on Social Media Do you remember playing tag in elementary school? You would run around the playground and tap (tag) somebody so they Learn how to tag people on social media properly and when to do it so you don't look like a spammer and have people unlike and unfollow you.

8 Ways to Save Time on Social Media Marketing

Learn 8 Ways to Save Time on Social Media Marketing for your blog or website in simple steps you can take daily to break it apart and save time

17 Hidden Facebook Marketing Tools That Will Increase Your Engagement by 154%

I had no idea that hidden tools within Facebook’s apps, extensions, insights, tactics, and bots that could have made my Facebook ad spend 80 times more effective.

Instagram for Business in 2019 - 5 Reasons You May Need It

Instagram for Business Frequently, I am asked this question –"Why should I join Instagram for Business? I don’t know what it is or how to use it. Why do I need Instagram? I have a Facebook page, isn’t everyone on Facebook?” (In the past 2 years Facebook has lost 15 million users!)

“How much time will I need to spend with Instagram?” Consequently, these are some of the questions that come up from clients I work with on their social media management.

7 Brilliant Tips to Make a Killer Instagram Video Marketing Strategy in 2019

Instagram Video Marketing Today Remember Instagram Video Marketing in 2013? In case you don’t, videos back then were capped at a mere 15 seconds. Boring!

Website at

Social media.

It slowly crept into our lives, little by little. Until it was the focal point of our lives.

Today, 7 in 10 Americans use social media, compared with only 5% in 2005.

Businesses took notice, and social media has since revolutionized the way we do marketing.

The benefits are endless with a well-executed social media strategy.

5 Essential LinkedIn Strategies for Small Businesses | Social Media Today

Social Media Today - Social Media hacks for your small business!

Website at

Instagram Checkout is out. The social network which has only been around less than a decade, has managed to become the fastest growing social media network, with over 1 billion users and counting, according to Search Engine Journal.

How To Win Followers And Influence People On Social Media

Content creators share tips to help marketing pros build a brand that connects with an audience.

The Rules Of Social Media Just Changed. Here's How To Keep Up.

Facebook is moving steadily away from a public broadcast channel and more toward the world of private messaging. Users and brands that rely on social media to reach their audience are already experiencing growing pains. Hootsuite CEO Ryan Holmes explains how to keep up.