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Updated by Hope For Your Story on Dec 16, 2024
Headline for The Crushing Weight Of Pornography Addiction
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The Crushing Weight Of Pornography Addiction

If you’re wrestling with a pornography addiction, you’re not alone. Millions of other people have the same problem. The good news? You can overcome this struggle and begin walking in purity and freedom. These resources are chock-full of practical help and the kind of wisdom that will start you down the path toward victory.

Enough Is Enough: Porn-free WiFi

The Enough Is Enough mission is to make the Internet Safer for Children and Families. Our initiatives include Internet Safety 101, Project Wilberforce, and others.

Ammunition for the Fight Against Porn

Pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry, the largest online. Some statistics suggest that nearly 70% of all men ages 18–24 view porn at least once a week, which is not to mention the struggle among Gen Xers, and increasingly among women.

Pure Life Ministries

The heart of Pure Life Ministries remains consistent to its beginnings: to lead people struggling with sexual sin into an encounter with Jesus Christ and the freedom He purchased for them at the Cross.

15 Scientifically Explained Reasons Why Porn Isn't Healthy For Viewers Or Society

Don't fall into the trap of believing porn is harmless entertainment that has no effect on individuals or society. Get educated and fight against the..

Just 1 Click Away

The purpose of the Just1ClickAway video is to raise awareness about the threat of Internet pornography and to network with other organizations to offer solutions for families and individuals of all ages and stages.

How Do I Escape the Trap of Pornography in My Life?

Pornography has become one of the most destructive forces in our culture today. Never has it been so widespread … and never has it been so easy to find.

If You Think You're Alone In Your Porn Struggle, You're Wrong.

The enemy feeds female strugglers the lie they're alone in their battle. Let’s take the masks off and beat the enemy at his own game. We aren't alone!

How to Slay the Dragon of Pornography

The pursuit of porn has bad consequences. We need no special insight to see it erodes relationships and never satisfies. But bad consequences aren’t enough to stop us.

Wired for Intimacy: How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain

Pornography is powerful. Our contemporary culture as been pornified, and it shapes our assumptions about identity, sexuality, the value of women and the nature of relationships. Countless Christian men struggle with the addictive power of porn.

Pure Hope

Pursuing a world free of sexual exploitation and brokenness by providing Christian solutions in a sexualized culture.

Net Nanny: Parental Control Software & Website Blocker | Net Nanny

The best parental control and web filtering software. Complete visibility and control over your child's online activity. Sign up today to start.

Why Pornography Use Becomes a Habit - ERLC

In every age and culture there are certain habits of sinful behavior that are particularly common and overwhelmingly destructive. In modern Western cultures one of the most soul-destroying habits is consumption of pornography, which leads us to commit adultery in our hearts. (Matthew 5:28).   

6 steps to severing the shackles of pornography

In the Old Testament a covenant is a bond made between two or more parties. Most covenants mentioned are between God and man or between two people. But Job uses the term in an unusual way, saying he “made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman.” (Job 31:1) Job made a serious pledge to bind himself in this way to prevent becoming bound in slavery to lust.

The Porn Phenomenon - Barna Group

This study is sure to stir up a conversation about porn in our society and within the Christian community – and we hope it leads to healthy, meaningful change. Because a lot of what we have been doing to help address porn in a digital culture doesn’t seem to be working very well.

Genesis Counseling

Genesis Biblical Solutions is a Christian organization founded to educate and assist women and men who wrestle with sexual and relational conflicts. To this end we offer pastoral counseling, consultation and life coaching services for those dealing with sexual addiction, including pornography addiction, sexual disorders, relational problems and family crises.

Digital Pornography Addiction

What you need to know and where to find help

When Good Men Are Tempted

Men know all about their need for sexual purity. What they want is a plan that will enable them to attain it. In the midst of a culture that shouts "Sex " from every corner, men need a friend to talk honestly about how to master lust and achieve control over this crucial area of their lives. Perkins unfolds a three-part plan that will lead men to victory. It also features "Take Action" strategic steps and questions suitable for individual reflection or discussion in small groups.

This Is Your Brain on Porn

The fact that ‘devils’ are predominantly comic figures in the modern imagination will help you. If any faint suspicion of your existence begins to arise in his mind, suggest to him a picture of something in red tights, and persuade him that since he cannot believe in that … he therefore cannot believe in you.

5 Steps to Breaking Free from Porn

Porn has become so commonplace, that its use has woven itself into the daily lives of countless men and women and disrupting marriages. Users of pornography know their habit is wrong, but they ask, "What can I do to stop? How do I say no when porn tempts me?" This concise and user-friendly manual is a must-have for the modern man wanting to make a clean break from porn.

You Can Say No to Porn

Not all sexual desire is lust. God made sexual desire. It has its good place and it can, in fact, become an act of worship in the temple of marriage. But lust is sexual desire gone wrong. Learn the value of reversing this cycle.

To the Woman Addicted to Porn – You're Not Alone

Jessica Harris was addicted to hardcore pornography. She wants to tell other women with similar struggles, “You’re not alone.”

False Intimacy

With frank honesty, False Intimacy offers realistic direction to those whose lives or ministries have been impacted by sexual addiction while examining the roots behind these behaviors. This compelling book examines different aspects of sexual addiction, including shame, purity, and forgiveness, while exploring one's true identity and God-given sexuality.

Healing For The Soul

“It’s hard to put into words the impact that HFTS had on my life. I didn’t have much hope before pastoral counseling and the group. But during and certainly afterwards my hope was restored in His unconditional love for me. I’m thankful for you. –Jason from GA”

Blog | Covenant Eyes

Learn how to break free from porn, rebuild your marriage, protect your family online, and help others restore integrity.

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