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Updated by Alpha Paws on Jul 02, 2021
Headline for Dog Training
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Dog Training

Training a dog is not as simple as ABC, thus by choosing our the Alpha Paws approach your dog will start to respond in no time. Get in touch to know more!

Ask Yourself These Questions Before Buying or Adopting a Dog

When buying or adopting a dog, obedience or behavioural training plays an important role to help the dog adapt to its new surroundings. Alpha Paws can help!

Reading the Label of Ingredients in Dog Food

Reading The Ingredients Label on Dog Food is RESPONSIBLE DOG OWNERSHIP. To Learn What Constitutes High-Quality Dog Food, Click Here!

This Puppy Family Reunion is The Ultimate Happy Ending

Chrissy Teigen the dog was inches away from a very unhappy ending when fate stepped in and gave her (and her pups) a second chance at life. Then, just a week after being rescued by the good people at Badass Brooklyn Animal Rescue in New York City, Chrissy gave birth to 10 beautiful little puppies.

For the Scene Stealers of ‘The Curious Incident,’ a Happy Second Act, in Dog Years

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” is closing its Broadway run, but there is life after acting for the 21 puppies who have appeared in the show.

5 Essential Commands You Can Teach Your Dog | Cesar's Way

Having a trained dog isn’t the same as having a balanced dog, but if your dog knows a few basic commands, it can be helpful when tackling problem behaviors — existing ones or those that may develop in the future.

Spoiled rotten? | Cesar's Way

Pet business is big business, and that’s nowhere more apparent than around the holidays, when our furry family members join in on the fun.

Basic Dog Training Tips For Beginners | Love That Pet

Teaching your dog basic obedience will make your household a more pleasant place for all. Get started with dog training tips from the team at Love That Pet.

Pacer, the "hero" dog, saves B.C. trail runner from bear attack - Canadian Running Magazine

Reid Roberts, a 46-year-old trail runner from Prince George, B.C. credits his dog Pacer for saving his life during a recent bear encounter.

Starting Our Potty Training Journey

We have just started the potty training journey with our 2 1/2 year old son and it is perfect timing as June marks Potty Training Awareness Month.

The Two Sides of Dog Training: The Right and the Wrong Way | Susan Garrett's Dog Training Blog

Big decisions in life (which result in a dramatic turn either left or right) are made by weighing the pros and cons of either direction. Nobody confidently steps away from the direction they feel is the right way.

Professional Dog Training Services in the Area of Richmond Hill

Alpha Paws provides professional dog training services in Richmond Hill including obedience training and behavioral training by expert and competent dog trainers to ensure that you enjoy a healthy, and mutually rewarding relationship with your dog.

Spring Pet Care Tips

Did you know that your pet requires extra care during the spring & summers? Here are a few Spring Pet Care Tips for easy pet care & hassle-free puppy training. Skim through for better knowledge.

Tips to Help Your Dog Successfully Go Off-Leash

When you’re considering allowing your dog to go off-leash, it isn’t recommended to go in all at once. There are tips you can try to help make sure the transition goes smoothly.

Food Aggression and Resource Guarding

You may find your dog displaying signs of aggression and guarding their resources, food, water, or toys. When this happens, there are different ways you can handle the situation.

Tips For New Dog Owners

When you’re a first-time dog owner, it’s easy to become very enthusiastic about your new pet. You want to be sure that you do everything right to ensure they live the best life.

Tips for Bathing Your Dog in the Winter

Are you having a hard time taking care of your dog during the winters? Here are a few important tips for bathing your dog in the cold season from the best professionals at dog training services. Read on for more information.

Building Trust with Your Dog with Off-Leash Training

Bonding with your pet allows you to do many things together. The base of every bond starts with trust, and off-leash dog training is an excellent way to build trust with your pet.

Is the Owner at Fault for Aggressive Dogs?

In some cases, dog owners may handle their pet’s bad behaviour inadequately or even encourage it unknowingly. Still, aggression isn’t always their fault exclusively.

Common Questions About Owning a New Dog

When you get a new dog, it’s natural to have questions. Whether it’s your first puppy or not, here are some answers to a few of the most commonly heard questions.

Reasons Your Dog May Be Showing Signs of Aggression

If your dog starts to display aggressive behavior, it’s important to find out why. Learning the reasons your dog is acting out can help you know how to properly treat the issue.

How to Prepare for Your Dog's First Obedience Class

Obedience training is an excellent way to build a foundation of skills with your dog, allowing them an opportunity to learn important things and exercise their mind.

Training Your Dog to Walk Off Leash Properly

It requires patience, meticulous training and building a strong relationship based on trust and respect with your dog to have them learn to walk without the help of the leash.

Dog Trainers for Aggressive Behavior

If your dog is displaying aggressive behaviour, don’t lose hope! Contact a specialist with experience training aggressive dogs. Our program helps determine the cause and work on creating a solution.

Dog Kennels Toronto

When you go away for extended times, you need someone to care for your dog. At Alpha Paws, we have partnered with Goldenvale to provide you with boarding kennel and training services.

Lifelong Benefits of Puppy Preschool Training

The crucial learning period of a pup is typically between 4 - 17 weeks. This is the best time to enrol them for puppy classes where they'll learn essential rules and behaviours.