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Updated by Hope For Your Story on Oct 01, 2024
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Battling Depression

Going through some junk? If you're facing depression, grief, self-hatred, or other related things, we're glad you're here. Whatever type of mental illness you're facing, this list is for you. We hope these resources help you fight for joy while you wait for the darkness to lift.

Your Life is Valuable - Lacey Sturm

Singer Lacey Sturm was close to committing suicide when she decided to walk into a church one day. The words she heard from the pastor -- a man she had never met -- that day began an incredible change in her life:
"It was as if he was telling my story ... and then he was crying [and I thought to myself] ' You cry? I will listen to you if I know that you can understand that that's how I feel.'"

Depression: God Is Not Silent When We Suffer

If we know anything about God, we know that He comes close to those who suffer, so keep your eyes open for Him.


What most people associate with depression is a feeling of gloom or sadness, but there is a much more important set of symptoms to keep in mind: depression is usually accompanied by a “slowing down” of the body. A profound lethargy or fatigue is probably a more important signal that you have succumbed to depression than whether or not you feel profoundly sad. The more pronounced the fatigue, the more serious is your depression.

Depression Outreach

Depression can take on many forms; sleep disorders, fatigue, anxiety, guilt, lack of energy, agitation, loss of concentration just to name a few.

To the Depressed Christian

As a Christian, depression tempted me to distrust God. I was desperately seeking deliverance He seemed to withhold from me.

Hope for the Despairing Heart

The thoughts and feelings that consumed me were paralyzing. I had fallen into a deep pit and couldn’t find a way out.

Understanding Depression

1 in 10 people will have a depressive episode at least once in their life. Depression can be described as a prolonged unexplained sadness that affects everyday life. No matter how impossible it may seem to overcome, there is hope for depression. Check out our free eBook for information to understand the signs, causes and ways to overcome depression and how to find help.

Anxiety and Depression, My Strange Friends

I am one of those ministers who has endured a handful of seasons of anxiety and depression. Most of the time, thankfully, the affliction has been more low-grade than intense. On one occasion, though, it pretty much flattened me physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. I call this particular season my “living nightmare.”


Are you struggling with a problem right now? You are not alone. Chat with a trusted HopeCoach. Chats are free and confidential. TheHopeLine is open 24/7.

The Darkness of Depression -

Is depression simply a biochemical malfunction? This podcast, featuring an interview with David Powlison, helps to uncover where and how depression occurs.

Could Robin Williams' Faith Have Prevented His Suicide?

The death of comedian Robin Williams has reignited something of a nationwide conversation about suicide and mental health. After all, most know someone

A Place of HOPE

Changing Lives For Good for 30 years, The Center • A Place of HOPE pioneered whole-person care. Top Facility in the U.S. for the Treatment of Depression

I’m Struggling with Depression. What Should I Do?

I am in my first year of college and really struggling. I feel sad a lot and overwhelmed with the insane demands of classes. Also, I’ve been skipping classes, drinking more than I probably should, and, to be honest, I’ve even had some times when I’ve thought about dying. I told two of my really close friends all of this and they basically made me go see a counselor that’s provided by the school. I went, and she mentioned that I may be struggling with depression. I just hate the label and I hate the idea of taking medicine for the rest of my life just to be “normal.” Is it possible to get back to normal?

Crisis Text Line

Crisis Text Line is the free, 24/7, confidential text message service for people in crisis. Text 741741 from anywhere in the USA to text with a trained Crisis Counselor.

When the Darkness Will Not Lift

"It is utterly crucial that in our darkness we affirm the wise, strong hand of God to hold us, even when we have no strength to hold him."
John Piper

Even the most faithful, focused Christians can encounter periods of depression and spiritua

Dealing With Depression

Depression is a disease that can make marriage miserable. When one spouse is depressed, it affects both partners. It can rob emotional, spiritual and physical intimacy and drives both parties into isolation.

God Is with You in Depression

Author Randy Alcorn both shares from his own experience, as one who has walked the dark path, and gives direction for those hoping to minister to the depressed.

13 Reasons Why Not

It’s not just teens that are talking about the Netflix series “13 Reasons Why.” Parents are also curious about the story of Hannah Baker and her descent into suicide. “What message does this show send to kids?” some have asked. “Does it really glorify suicide?

Is Your Child Depressed?

Parents want their kids to be healthy and that extends beyond basic physical health to social, financial, academic, spiritual and emotional health. This last category is often called “mental health” and it can be hard to figure out if a child’s thoughts, feelings and behavior are normal or abnormal for a certain age. Here are some things for parents to keep in mind when trying to figure out if their child is experiencing a normal developmental “phase” or a potentially damaging mental health crisis.

Lauren Daigle - Your Wings (Audio)

The official audio video for Lauren Daigle's song "Your Wings" from her new album Look Up Child. Own a CD of Look Up Child here: ...

Too Depressed to Believe What We Know

We’ve collected some of our best resources on depression, as well as a few others around the web. We pray they will bring God’s light into your darkness.

The Dark Hole of Depression | Podcast Series

Tommy Nelson, the pastor of Denton Bible Church in Denton, Texas, along with his wife, Teresa, talk about his recent bout with clinical depression that left him feeling numb and confused.

The Year My World Fell Apart: My War with Spiritual Depression

Often our problem in the darkest nights of life is not that we have no hope, but that we keep putting our hope in ourselves, rather than in God.

Verses of Hope and Coping Skills for Depression

Feeling depressed? Bible verses of hope and coping skills may offer help to families during the hard times of quarantine that could lead to depression.

How to Develop a Resilient Mindset

Author Josh Squires tells of a grueling multi-day hike that’s part of
Army Mountain Warfare School training. It requires slogging up a mountain
through ten-foot snowbanks:

  • Life is full of surprises, challenges and questions – and sometimes we all need help finding answers. Are you struggling in your marriage? Is your son or daughter involved in activities that have you worried? Or maybe you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy or navigating conflict with your aging parents. Whether you’re in the midst of a major crisis or simply a perplexing situation, we have compiled resources that can point you in the right direction. And remember – we’re constantly updating our content, so check back frequently for the latest and greatest resources.

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