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Updated by flacon_calab on Jul 28, 2016
Headline for Top Places to Buy Souvenirs in Galle – Historical Coastal City
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Top Places to Buy Souvenirs in Galle – Historical Coastal City

Galle is one of Sri Lanka's top resorts; home to a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the city is also ideal for the shopaholic, offering hand woven fabrics, antiques, traditional artefacts & more.


Shoba Display Gallery – Art & Crafts

Shoba Display Gallery – Art & Crafts

The Shoba Display Gallery is located 67A Pedlar Street Galle; it is a boutique of many beautiful creations by the local women. Shoba gallery displays a fine collection of hand woven lace work. Locally known as beerallu this intricate art of lace weaving is quite fascinating to observe and within the shop are women hard at work creating these beautiful intricate works of art. These are used to decorate cool cotton garments and dresses. The shop teaches local women the art of lacework as well as fabric dying and is an excellent working display to observe. There is also a friendly little café located right within the shop which you will find quite relaxing stop. Shoba Display Gallery is open from 9 am to 6 pm.


Small Antique Shop – Collectibles

The Small Antique Shop is literally the smallest antique shop in Galle. It is basically a hole in the wall establishment that the curios hunter will love scouting through. Quirky bits and pieces washed up from the sea together with vintage artefacts unearthed from the attics of Galle's colonial houses are for sale in this little shop. Mind you the owner is quite a charmer and chatty enough to convince you to purchase little trinkets, that will in the end be great reminders of your time in Galle. The Small Antique Shop will need to be scouted out; but it is located on Hospital Street. And as for opening hours; that depends on the owners movements. Truly eccentric, this is a spot worth scouting out.


Barefoot – Chic Styles

Barefoot – Chic Styles

Barefoot Galle is a branch of the well-established fashion boutique set up by Barbara Sansoni. For a comprehensive list of all you can buy from this boutique check out the Barefoot Ceylon website. The chain of fashion boutiques is famous for its unique selection of very colourful hand woven fabrics. Available in many colours and alluring stripes this material has also been used to create stylish yet comfortable garments for both men and women. There are also many little local artefacts for sale at this store; they include chic jewellery and high quality fashion items. It is definitely a place to visit if you love to take along some designer souvenirs. A visit to the Barefoot Store will not be disappointing. There is also a well-stocked library that will be a treat for all artsy and culture loving individuals. Similarly you can find stylish boutique hotels in Galle. These epitomise the finer side of accommodation like the Tamarind Hill Galle.


Elephant Walk – Designer Arts and Crafts

Elephant Walk – Designer Arts and Crafts

Located at no 30 Church Street Elephant Walk is an arcade home to a collection of shops offerings artefacts that will add a rustic ambiance to your homes. Knick knacks for the mantelpiece, wall hangings and also fabulous little souvenirs are readily available at these fascinating shops.