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Updated by John Huh on Nov 17, 2020
Headline for Top Ten Pokemon in Pokemon Go
John Huh John Huh
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Top Ten Pokemon in Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go is the biggest mobile game in history, and when you play it it's easy to see why. Addictive gameplay and the treasure hunting aspect have over 64 million Pokemon players around the world constantly checking their mobile devices. The game has become so big in fact that people are getting injured while playing it. It's nothing short of a cultural phenomenon and it's not even available internationally yet. The response since Pokemon Go launched just a few weeks ago has been overwhelming to say the least. When you consider that the game isn't yet available in Asia and just recently made it's debut in Canada, you start to see how popular this game really is.

In other words, it a big deal.

Such a big deal in fact, that if you've ever thought it was impossible to fall off a cliff or get locked in a cemetery while playing a video game, you might want to reconsider. The Pokemon Go craze has people searching for How To Play tips and hacks, and there's even a wearable upgrade for the mobile game coming out soon.

But there's one question that most people want to know, what is the best Pokemon? Outside of everyone's favorite choice in Pikachu of course, there are many Pokemon in the game to choose from. When you want to learn which Pokemon are the best in Pokemon Go, this countdown will go over the Ten Best Pokemon in Pokemon Go, and break it down stat by stat. Let's get started.




This water type Pokemon comes in at number 10 in our Top Ten Best Pokemon in Pokemon Go countdown. His attack rating is fairly high, where he ranks 19th among all Pokemon in Pokemon Go. Although his defense rating is mediocre, Golduck's 194 attack rating put him head and shoulders above most Pokemon. He's a high damage dealer and capable of ripping apart the competition.

He uses two different kinds of attack which are similarly effective. Confusion and Water Gun are very fast and highly effective. Not sure what these values mean? Check out this guide to Pokemon stats here.

In short Golduck is one of the best Pokemon you can choose in your six man attack force against an enemy Pokemon Go gym.




This water type Pokemon is a very effective overall combatant in Pokemon Go. He is well rounded both literally and figuratively and very tough in battle. Where he lacks a powerful overall punch, Poliwrath can take a beatdown and keep coming back for more.

He ranks third in overall defense, making him a sponge for big time Pokemon gym battles with rare or powerful Pokemon.




Top dog among all Pokemon, Snorlax is the best fighter in Pokemon Go. He's extremely rare, and for good reason because he's the best Pokemon to challenge any Pokemon Go gym. With a defense value of 240, Snorlax can take the best Pokemon attacks and come back for more. He's also got the second highest Stamina statistic in Pokemon Go, giving him plenty of Hit Points to stay in the battle for however long it takes.

The one drawback to Snorlax in Pokemon Go is that his attack is average for a Pokemon that's this special. With an attack rating of 180 however, you can be sure that Snorlax is an excellent choice to invest your hard earned time and Stardust. Snorlax is a Normal type Pokemon, and he relies on his two attacks; Lick and Zen Headbutt. For beating the local Pokemon Go gym in your area, a properly leveled up Snorlax using Lick can take down the best of opponents. Starting out your Pokemon Go career and need a beginner guide? Want to get all the latest Pokemon Go news and tips? Subscribe to Pokemon Go Den today to get the latest and greatest updates.




With lots of Stamina and plenty of fight, Vaporeon checks in at the number 2 spot of our Ten Best Pokemon countdown. With an excellent attack rating of 186, Vaporeon also happens to be one of the most rare Pokemon in the game. This water type Pokemon uses Water Gun attack to dish out one of the most powerful attacks in Pokemon Go. Not only can Vaporeon deal the damage, his defense is also excellent with a 168 overall rating.

Putting together your attack force on an opposing Pokemon Go gym should start and end with Vaporeon. This Pokemon knows how to win and isn't afraid to get the job done in combat.




The third entry on our Ten Best Pokemon is Dragonite. This cute little Pokemon is a Dragon type Pokemon and uses a range of flying attacks to swoop down on his prey. With a robust 250 attack rating, Dragonite also happens to have the most potential of Pokemon Go characters. His attack rating is simply unmatched, and he combines Dragon Breath and Steel Wing to finish off his foes.

Finding Dragonite is the hard part of the job. Picking him to attack a Pokemon Go gym is easy. There's a reason this flying Pokemon is beloved by so many Pokemon Go fans. Although his stamina is a bit lacking with an overall rating of 182, this is the only of Dragonite's Pokemon stats that don't quite measure up.




This water type Pokemon is an excellent combatant when called upon. With an overall 260 rating in the Stamina department, Lapras is able to withstand the fiercest of attacks. He's also an effective damage dealer, with an attack rating of 186 that's ranked 22nd in the game. He's one of the toughest fighters in the game however, which makes him one of the best Pokemon in the game.




Popular among Pokemon fans and instantly recognizable for the huge cannons over each shoulder, Blastoise belongs on this Ten Best Pokemon countdown. Blastoise packs a literal punch when taking on any opponent or training with a fellow Pokemon team member. His attack stat is 186, which puts him into the elite category among all Pokemon Go characters. He's able to dish out tons of punishment, and he also happens to be the toughest Pokemon in the game.

His defense rating of 222 is tops in Pokemon Go. His durability and fighting power make him one of the best Pokemon in the entire game. When you find yourself a Blastoise, make sure to invest the time into him to develop him into a true Pokemon Go gym toppler.




What this Pokemon lacks in looks, he makes up in fighting ability. Slowbro is an great choice to start off your attack on a Pokemon Go gym or to finish off the last combatant. This is a water type Pokemon that's also a psychic combatant, and Slowbro uses all of his powers to the best of his ability. His defense of 198 puts him in the top ten of toughest Pokemon, and with a 184 attack statistic, Slowbro is no slouch when doling out punishment. If you want the best Pokemon, you can't go wrong leveling up a Slowbro Pokemon.




This shapeless Pokemon is an underappreciated fighter that's more than ready to fight to the finish. The best aspect of this Pokemon is his Stamina, which checks in at 210. This gives Muk a lot of hit points to deal with the damage that your opponent is dealing out. Muk also ranks in the top 20 as far as attack rating and overall attack power is concerned. His attack power of 180 while fair isn't quite up to elite Pokemon standards. Muk is a very rare Pokemon however and can be hard to find like most Pokemon on this list.

This Poison type Pokemon uses Poison Jab and Acid to deal with it's foes. When you are lucky enough to find a Muk Pokemon, make sure to level him up properly to take over Pokemon Go gyms in your area.