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Updated by loungfrank on Jul 12, 2016
loungfrank loungfrank
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Depression and Mental Health

Mental health and brain power can be restored with vigorous exercise in older adults. The findings were uncovered through the use of imaging scans by UC Davis Health System, revealing that vigorous exercise increases levels of two common neurotransmitters that are responsible for messaging and communication within the brain. The neurotransmitters are glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA.


Is pneumonia contagious? Types and symptoms of pneumonia

Is pneumonia contagious? Types and symptoms of pneumonia

If you ever wondered whether pneumonia is contagious, we are here to address your concerns. First of all, pneumonia is inflammation of the lung tissue, caused by a virus, bacteria, or fungus. In pneumonia, the air sacs become filled with pus. What part of the lung is affected and whether it is a single lung or both determines what kind of pneumonia it is – we will explain the types of pneumonia later on.