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Updated by Kim Breuer on Jul 07, 2016
Headline for Abigail Adams
Kim Breuer Kim Breuer
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Abigail Adams

First Lady Biography: Abigail Adams

National First Ladies' Library's biography for Abigail Adams. This is the site of a library and archive devoted to first ladies, as such it meets the qualifications of academic research. Useful for our project because of the information about her time as First Lady. Also linked materials to other websites and lots of images for use as well.

National Women's History Museum

Another biography of Adams with some good footnotes. National Women's History Museum website is a non-profit organization dedicated to building a museum of Women's History in Washington, DC. The website contains good research and resources on American women of scholarly quality. Meets all of the UTA good website requirements. This is a solid biography which can provide some good, historically accurate materials for our project. Plus there are links to other websites appropriate for research for additional information.

Adams letters

[Supplied words] appear blue in square brackets. They have been added to clarify, correct, or complete passages appearing in the documents.

Another historical archival site. The Massachusetts Historical Society's electronic archive of the letters between John Adams and Abigail Adams held in their archive. These are primary documents and therefore, should form the core of our academic research on Abigail Adams in our project. The website is reliable as a scholarly archive. Website meets all requirements of the UTA library guidelines for research quality.

Abigail Adams First Spouse Gold Coins

A guide to 2007 Abigail Adams First Spouse Gold Coins issued by the United States Mint in proof and uncirculated versions for collectors. This is a US Mint site. I chose this site for the image of Abigail Adams on the $10 gold coin. Note "Remember the Ladies" on the reverse side. There is also some good biographical info and links as well. Since I chose this site for its images, it does not need to meet the UTA guidelines.

Abigail Smith Adams (Mrs. John Adams)

Mrs. John Adams felt that "if we mean to have heroes, statesmen and
philosophers, we should have learned women." Stuart's portrait, begun when
the first lady was fifty-six, captures the patrician beauty of her
straight nose and arched brows. The forthright painting also leaves little
doubt about the force of character, intellect, and principles of this
daughter of a Massachusetts minister.

I chose this National Gallery of Art site for its painting of Abigail Adams as first lady by Stuart. It is good to have an image of when she was older and younger for the project. Since I chose this site for the image, it does not need to meet the UTA library research guidelines. There are some interesting quotes in the museum's websites from the family.

Click on the link to open the image of Benjamin Blythe's painting of the young Abigail. Useful image for our final project presentation. Since this link is for an image, it does not need to meet the requirements of the UTA library guide for good research quality websites.