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Updated by Dezso Papp on Aug 06, 2016
Headline for Cities & Countries That Were First Thought of as New Home by Britons Post-Brexit
Dezso Papp Dezso Papp
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Cities & Countries That Were First Thought of as New Home by Britons Post-Brexit

Ranked in the relative order from Google Search trends, first countries then cities. If you are interested about the details how the ranking came together, read the source article for background.
All pictures from



Lisbon, Portugal - ranked #9

Lisbon, Portugal - ranked #9

Just a tiny bump in interest in a tiny average monthly search volume. But still worth to mention.


Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - ranked #8

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - ranked #8

If nothing else than the British part should give a reason. Larger raise of interest on a magnitude bigger average monthly search volume.


Toronto, Ontario, Canada - ranked #7

Toronto, Ontario, Canada - ranked #7

Slightly larger bump in the search interest on similar (to Vancouver) average monthly search volumes.


Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom - ranked #6

Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom - ranked #6

Relatively small monthly average search volume as a basis, with a huge spike.


Barcelona, Calatonia, Spain - ranked #5

Barcelona, Calatonia, Spain - ranked #5

Medium spike on a modest monthly search volume.


Berlin, Germany - ranked #4

Berlin, Germany - ranked #4

Bigger spike of search interest and holding strong even after a few weeks past. Relatively high average monthly search volume.


Amsterdam, The Netherlands - ranked #3

Amsterdam, The Netherlands - ranked #3

Strong average search volumes per month. With big spikes of search interest right after and then a few days later.


Paris, France - ranked #2

Paris, France - ranked #2

Strong average search volume. Modest and sustained spikes of interest.


Dublin, Ireland - ranked #1

Dublin, Ireland - ranked #1

Biggest spike of search interest righ after the referendum results. With higher than average monthly search volume.


Germany, Europe - ranked #8

Germany, Europe - ranked #8

Biggest spike of search interest in England and Scotland, right after the referendum results.


France, Europe - ranked #7

France, Europe - ranked #7

Traditional UK emigrants destination. Especially the Southern, South-Western parts.


New Zealand - ranked #6

New Zealand - ranked #6

Former British colony.


Spain, Europe - ranked #5

Spain, Europe - ranked #5

Most popular nearsourcing destination under the sun.


Ireland, Europe - ranked #4

Ireland, Europe - ranked #4

Former colony, closest neighbor, English is the official language.


Australia - ranked #3

Australia - ranked #3

Former British colony. Always popular with Britons emigrating.


Scotland, United Kingdom - ranked #2

Scotland, United Kingdom - ranked #2

Still part of the United Kingdom, but deemed to hold its own referendum on staying within the UK.


Canada - ranked #1

Canada - ranked #1

One of the top destinations for Britons emigrating traditionally. Got just another flash of interest.