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Updated by hrscrazy66 on Jul 05, 2016
Headline for Current Issues in Edurcation
hrscrazy66 hrscrazy66
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Current Issues in Edurcation

Here is a list of things that teachers should be aware of.

Should Struggling Students Repeat a Grade?

At first glance, grade retention may look like old-fashioned common sense: Fail the year? Just do it over!

Gender Gap: Why Boys Can't Keep Up

Boys are falling behind girls in school performance. What's behind the boy crisis, and how can parents and teachers help?

Saving Kids from Stress

Facing fierce competition to get into top colleges, many students are compromising their health and values to get ahead. Experts are even seeing stress levels increase at the elementary school level. Some educators are working to reduce the pressures on students.

Educate Kids Outdoors!

Tips for getting your kids outside to learn about nature.

3 Simple Steps for Teachers to Handle a Difficult Parent

School administrators and teachers must be equipped to effectively handle difficult parents by being proactive, being open minded, and being prepared.

Homeschooling: Examining a Growing Trend

A growing number of families are choosing to homeschool their children. Education World examines the pros and cons of this trend.

Science or Soccer? -- How Important Are Extracurricular Acti...

Some research suggests that extracurricular activities can benefit all students. John H. Holloway, a consultant with the Educational Testing Service, explains those benefits for Education World. Included: An extensive list of online resources for explo...

Why teach current events?

Why bother teaching current events? The research indicates that a regular dose of current events has a multitude of benefits! Included: Activity ideas and Internet resources for teaching current events!

Is Year-Round Schooling the Answer?

Do year-round schools enhance student learning, or are they a costly, hectic, and largely ineffective cure for the nation's educational ills? Those involved in year-round schools -- school superintendents, specialists, researchers, teachers, and princi...

Wire Side Chat: Vigorous Exercise Can Lead to Academic Gains

A study showed that regular, vigorous exercise can improve academic performance.

The Keys to Classroom Management

Classroom Management | Marzano - Discusses The Keys to Classroom Management in this article

End-of-the-Year Activities |

The countdown to the last day of school is on! Join me as I share a few of my end of the year activities that combine fun and learning.

Educators Battle Over Calculator Use: Both Sides Claim Casua...

The philosophical war rages. On one side: the accused kill and drillers, dedicated to times tables and long division, preach the gospel of repetition and memorization. On the other side: alleged fuzzy math reformers preach concept over content.

Wire Side Chat: Enlisting Students to Make the Internet Safer

Students urged to educate peers as part of Safer Internet Day.

Schools and Online Social Networking

Most educators working with middle and high school students are aware of the explosive involvement of youth on social networking sites. Few are prepared to deal with it. In this article, Nancy Willard discusses the risks and benefits of such sites and offers schools a comprehensive approach to addressing student Internet access.

Student-Led Conferences: A Growing Trend

In more and more schools, students are leading conferences, and, overall, the word is that they're doing a fine job.

Wire Side Chats: Emily Oldak explains how comedy rescues stressed-out kids!

Wire Side Chats: Emily Oldak explains how comedy rescues stressed-out kids!

Can Adults Praise Children Too Much?

Some say too much praise can hurt kids -- plus praise pointers!

Making the Case for Music Education

What will it be -- music or computers? In some communities, it all comes down to that question. New research, special programs, and dedicated teachers and community members are helping to make a solid case for putting music Bach into our schools!

Multiculturalism: What Do Students Think?

Administrators, teachers, parents, and other public figures have voiced their opinions about multicultural education. But a survey by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company has asked studentswhat theythink about multiculturalism in their schools.

Do Schools Give 'Equal Grades for Equal Work'?

When is a B really an A? When you live in a school district with high academic standards and tough grading policies, according to some Connecticut parents who want their kids to get more A's. Those parents blame the school district's high standards for...

Is Character Education the Answer?

Is Character Education the Answer?

Back-to-School Guide for Beginning Teachers

This Back-to-School Guide for Beginning Teachers offers a virtual survival guide for educators about to begin their first year.

Does Eating Breakfast Affect Children's Learning?

Breakfast is a crucial part of every child's day. It affects everything from memory to creativity in the classroom. Children who go hungry are more inclined to become distracted from learning at ...

Preschool and Pre-K: Are We Sending Our Children to 'School' Too Soon?

At a time in which many people feel our national government should be finding ways to be less involved in education and finding ways to cut spending, we ...