Listly by Fiona Beal
For those of you new to Google Classroom, the video tutorials below will provide you with a very good introduction to what this platform is all about. You will also get to learn how to use some of its features and how to seamlessly integrate it in your teaching.
To help teachers master Google Drive , I started sharing here a series of posts in which I feature guides, tutorials, tips and tricks that I would across in my browsing errands. After sharing the new Google Drive cheat sheet, today I am featuring another wonderful short visual guide created by Shake Up Learning ( one of my favourite EdTech blogs). In this guide teachers will learn about the basics of sharing on Google Drive. This Guide is available for free download from this link.
Below is an infographic we created based on insights from Google Classroom Help page. The visual walks you through the eight steps to create, edit and share assignments with students in Google Classroom. Instructions included work on Google Classroom for the web, for those of you using iPad or Android, check out this page . Some of the things you will learn from this visual include: learn how to create an assignment, change an assignment due date or time, add materials to an assignment, post an assignment to multiple classes, control how students interact with an assignment, edit and delete an assignment.
Pinterest The Google Drive Advanced Search is a thing of beauty. My Google Drive is not the most organized, and I frequently rely on the search tool to find what I need. I have never been good at keeping all my digital files inside perfectly organized, color-coded, nested folders. It’s a good thing that I …
Pinterest Force Users to Make a Copy of Google Drive Files Here’s an easy way to help users make a copy of Google Docs, Sheets, Slides or Drawings! Ever share something and instruct your students to go to file>make a copy, and instead they all start typing on the document like it’s their own? There …
One of the easiest things to do with Google Classroom is to create Collaborative Google Slides. This can be done in under 40 seconds
Yesterday we announced Google Cast for Education, a free Chrome app that allows students and teachers to share their screens wirelessly from anywhere in the classroom. Cast for Education carries video and audio across complex school networks, has built-in controls for teachers, and works seamlessly with Google Classroom. And because the app runs on the teacher’s computer that’s connected to the projector, it doesn’t require new hardware. Teachers run the Cast for Education app, and students share their screens through the Cast feature in Chrome.
BlogBooker turns your blog into a book in a few minutes. Just the time to gather all your text, links and pictures, and to put them into a nice BlogBook. Your content is ready to publish, to backup / archive, or to print, it's up to you!
See how to create multiple profiles in Google Chrome to manage your multiple Google accounts, such as your work account, home account, and such. For more det...
Google Drive is a fantastic tool for students and teachers! Learn how (and why) to create a 'view only' folder in your Google Drive!