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Updated by DJ Rob on Jul 13, 2023
DJ Rob DJ Rob
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The Greatest Musicians from Cleveland, Ohio

In celebration of the city of Cleveland winning its first professional sports championship in 52 years by way of the Clevelend Cavaliers' Game 7 win of the NBA Finals on June 19, 2016, I'm celebrating the Rock and Roll Capital of the World with a djroblist of the 15 Greatest Musicians from Cleveland based on their national success.

Congratulations Clevelanders! Enjoy the spotlight! Here are your 15 favorite musical sons and daughters that we've all been able to enjoy over the years.


15. Benny Mardones

Is it possible to be a one-hit wonder twice? Clevelander Benny Mardones proved it so when his one hit, the classic power ballad "Into The Night," hit the top-20 twice - nine years apart. The song was first a #11 hit in 1980, then charted again in '89, peaking at #20. Mardones had no intervening hits and none after the song's last run.

  • DJ Rob


    Hi, I'm DJ Rob, owner and author of the music blogsite I live in Chicago, IL and have been doing the blogsite since January 2015. It features articles about music news, history and trivia - both old and new. The features I enjoy doing the most are my djroblists. I've done dozens of lists ranking everything from blue-eyed soul singers to Prince's greatest songs. I only recently started converting them to listly to increase interaction with my readers. Take some time to enjoy them and let me know what you think! And check out when you can!

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