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Updated by Sethu Mnguni on Jun 14, 2016
Sethu Mnguni Sethu Mnguni
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The Role of Women in China (Past and Present)

Emotional advert about China's 'leftover women' goes viral - BBC News

This emotional video illustrates just some of the views that people have on "leftover women." The pressures that they face to marry. The way that they are viewed in society. Unfortunately it's become normal to call these unmarried women "leftover women."

Website at

The yin yang illustrates balance. Meaning that women and men can and will live in harmony, just like everything in the universe. We need each other to live, almost as if we feed off of each other's energy. Therefore illustrating that men and woman are equal.

Mao Campaign Fuels Women Power

Mao Tse-tung lead China to a Cultural Revolution, illustrating the importance of gender equality. Mao showed us the true meaning of the Yin Yang, which was often misinterpreted and used as a "weapon" to treat females poorly.

Inequality in China and the impact on women's rights

Once China claimed to lead the way in equality for women. Today, women are warned they will be "leftovers" if they don't produce children.

This article sparked many thoughts. Is China digressing? Is that which was fought so hard for now slowly (or rather quickly) slipping away? Why is it that men earn more than women? Chinese couples are now allowed two children, which makes us wonder if that will change the mindset that the Chinese have had for so long. This might result in Chinese couples wanting a girl and a boy. Will this result in gender equality being restored? With couples now being allowed to have two children- will that mean that more girls will be born and educated, giving them the opportunity to work? Will females still be pressured in to marrying?

What role did women play in Ancient China

Women in Ancient China, sexism was a common practice and did not seem improper.