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Updated by Noma Magwegwe on Jun 15, 2016
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Chinese Food and Eating Customs

Becoming more advanced with chinese food and eating customs

How to Eat in China — Chinese Dining Etiquette

When helping yourself to the dishes, you should take food first from the plates in front of you rather than those in the middle of the table or in front of others.When finding your favorite dish, you should not gobble it up as quickly as possible or put the plate in front of yourself and proceed to eat like a horse. You should consider others at the table. If there is not much left on a plate and you want to finish it, you should consult others. If they say they don’t want any more, then you can eat proceed.When someone pours tea into your cup, you can tap the table with your first two fingers two or three times, showing thanks to the pourer for the service and of being enough tea. The pourer will stop pouring when seeing the gesture.


The Soul of Chinese Food

The Soul of Chinese Food

have you been to a chinese restaurant and you order mild noodles but when you taste the noodles they still are a little bit spicy? this is because every good chinese meal has a the 5 key flavors: salty, spicy, sweet, bitter and sour. With the 5 key flavours there are the 4 natures: hot,cold,warm and cold.


Top 8 Most Popular Dishes to Eat

Top 8 Most Popular Dishes to Eat

Going from left to right:
1= chow mein
2= gong bao chicken
3= dumplings
4 = sweet and sour pork
5= wontons
6= spring rolls
7= ma po tofu
8= peking roasted duck


YouTube - Chinese Dining Etiquette

YouTube - Chinese Dining Etiquette

Stand up and start pulling the host by the arm and try to yank him back to his seat.
Arm waving and arm pulling is always good.
If they manage to pay the waiter first, grab their money out of the waiter’s hand and give it back them, then give the waiter your money instead.
The bigger the scene you cause, the better. Don’t worry if they seem disgruntled, they actually will be delighted with your enthusiasm.


Shang Dynasty Chopsticks

Shang Dynasty Chopsticks

Chopsticks never used to be two sticks of the same length. Only in Shang Dynasty (which was from the 16th century to the 11th century BC) did they become like this. In this picture these are some of the types of chopsticks that were made when chopsticks were made with the same length. King Zhou was the person who decided on this.


Difference in Chopsticks

Difference in Chopsticks

Chinese chopsticks are longer and thicker than all the other chopsticks, this is because Chinese food is mostly served on a "lazy Susan" and Chinese tables a generally larger so they need the extra length to grab the food.

There are many types of Japanese chopsticks for different foods. these chopsticks are rounded at the top and are shorter than Chinese chopsticks but longer than Korean Chopsticks

Korean chopsticks are made rough at the end to grab the food - these chopsticks are made of stainless steel. the chopsticks are not the same length either.