Listly by Mrs. S Hodges
Here is a list and brief description of lesson plans for the 8 must have skills for 21st century learners.
Students play a simulation game that illustrates their power to take action for the good of others. This activity promotes leadership without informing students that it is actually a leadership activity.
This lesson is about creating a persuasive movie trailer and understanding the elements that go into achieving the trailer. Students may use Kahootz or storyboard. This activity promotes digital literacy.
This website provides 8 different lesson plans encouraging students to speak up and communicate about their learning and communication in and outside of school. Students have opportunities to discuss and complete surveys and activities about their technology experiences or how they view the way technology should be implemented in their learning and for their future careers. Lesson Plan 4 provides students with an opportunity to voice their opinions, design their ideal school and show how technology will be used in their schools.
This lesson plan helps students to develop respect for others through participating in activities and discussions. Students review the rules, scenarios, and gain a better understanding of open mindedness and being considerate of others. As an extension activity students may create skits or an acrostic poems from the word RESPECT.
Social and emotional intelligence must be developed in children before any other learning can effectively take place. When this happens students minds are free to focus on the content they are trying to learning and better relationships are formed within the learning environment. Share this video with your students as an introduction to social and emotional intelligence.
These lessons are suggestions of the latest information for teachers, administrators, and program designers of entrepreneurship education for youth and adults. They cover entrepreneurship in the main content areas. These are a list of straight forward ideas that teachers may use and easily implement in their classrooms. These ideas allow students to think, be creative and develop their entrepreneurial skills while still learning the desired content.
This lesson plan provides students with opportunities to play international detective as they read accounts of international pollution issues. These activities help to prepare students to understand and identify a global citizen and to define what global citizenship is. This lesson reinforces concepts taken from two other resources “Citizen Me” and “Students Engage!” This lesson plan may be taught independently or with groups. This lesson also contains an optional PowerPoint presentation that can be found in the Lesson Prep.
Problem-solving skills are necessary for all students to develop. These skills will allow students to solve real life scenarios, by developing their ability to analyze problems, and devise workable solutions. These classroom problem solving activities can motivate student learning and may be adjusted to meet the needs of the lesson and that of the students. The activities include: brainstorm bonanza, problem-solving as a group, clue me in, survivor scenarios, and moral dilemma. What an exciting lesson to motivate students!
These lesson plans were designed to provide students with essential opportunities to develop team building and communication skills. The lessons require students to gain understanding of how to build a team, what each team members roles are, provides hands on activities and assessments (debriefing questions) to check for understanding.