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Updated by Fiona Beal on Aug 23, 2017
Fiona Beal Fiona Beal
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Useful Google in Education posts this week #55

Control Alt Achieve: 12 Excellent Add-ons for Google Docs

Google Docs is a powerful word processing program with many unique features including voice typing, the research tool, revision history, web fonts, and much more. However, Google knows that even with all of those features, Docs may not be able to do everything you want it to do. So Google Docs allows you to install Add-ons to extend the capabilities of the program.

Free Technology for Teachers: JoeZoo Express Makes It Easy to Grade in Google Docs

Google Docs is a powerful word processing program with many unique features including voice typing, the research tool, revision history, web fonts, and much more. However, Google knows that even with all of those features, Docs may not be able to do everything you want it to do. So Google Docs allows you to install Add-ons to extend the capabilities of the program.

Practical Ed Tech Tip of the Week - How to Create Screencasts on Your Android Device

I often receive emails from teachers who want to create tutorial videos or have students create screencasts on Android devices. AZ Screen Recorder is a great option for doing that. AZ Screen Record...

The Daring Librarian: NEW Google Image Search Save

Gwyneth Jones Google has quietly unveiled a super handy new way to search...and Save Google Images! She says "I just stumbled across this and was like, Whaaat? It's super cool, but it's going to make my job trying to teach students (and teachers) NOT to just always use (and give sloppy attribution) Google Image Search instead of my beloved Flikr Creative Commons! Gah!!! LOL"

Auto Report Card Writing Spreadsheet for Teachers - Write your reports super fast!

Click this link to make a copy of the spreadsheet: Music: 'Daily Beetle by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribu...

Free Technology for Teachers: How to Create a Biking or Walking Route Map in Google Maps

Richard Byrne says, "On Saturday morning I rode in a charity bike ride in my community. That ride was well mapped and planned thanks in part to Google Maps. If you want to create a biking route map or walking route map, follow the steps that I outline in the video embedded below."

Free Technology for Teachers: How to Blend Images in Google Slides

Earlier this week I posted the image you see to the left as part of my blog post about CK-12's summer math program. That image was made by blending two images together in Google Slides. To make the final image I went to Pixabay and grabbed a public domain image of a beach and a public domain image of an abacus. Then in Google Slides I used the image editing tools to layer the images and adjust the transparency so that it looks like the abacus and beach are blended together. Watch the video embedded below to see how I did it.

Google Apps “GAFE Smashing” activities — Part 2: Digital Differentiation

Google Apps gives teachers great opportunities to reach students at their own unique level. By smashing YouTube with other apps, great digital differentiation can happen.

Control Alt Achieve: 10 Terrific Tools for Teachers

The writer says.\, "National Teacher Appreciation Day is celebrated on Tuesday of the First Full Week in May (for 2016 it is May 3rd). In honor of the day and all the awesome things educators do, this blog post highlights ten Google-related tools to makes the lives of teachers better.

These tools include Chrome Web Apps, Chrome Web Extensions, and Add-ons for Google Drive programs. Some may help save time, or do work for you, or provide you with new and useful ways to accomplish your normal teaching tasks. Some of these tool may also be helpful for students, but we will focus on their application for educators.

You may already be aware of some of these tools, but hopefully you will find a few that are new, or be encouraged to try out one you have heard of before."

6 Steps to Make Your GAFE Migration a Breeze - BetterCloud Monitor

It’s that time of year! Before we know it, school will be out for summer vacation. By the final bell, classrooms worldwide will have reviewed new technology to make the ...

Evernote and Google Drive Deliver a Smarter Way to Work

Every day, Evernote customers create millions of notes that link to Google Drive. We’re proud to announce that Evernote and Google Drive now work better together, making it easier than ever to capture, organize, and collaborate on whatever is on your mind.

5 Major Tasks Every Teacher Should Be Able to Do on Google Classroom ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

The writer says, " Google Classroom is one of the best web-based platforms teachers can use to facilitate their work and create paperless classrooms. It can help you establish a virtual space for your class where you can share educational resources with your students , distribute assignments, hold discussions, collect feedback and grade your students works among other things."

Top 10 Google Docs Posts of 2015 - Teacher Tech

2015 is winding down, let the top 10 lists begin!! Here are my top 10 blog posts of 2015 for Google Docs. 10: 5 ADVANCED Google Docs Challenges 9: Google Docs: Change Your Default Font 8: 5 Google Docs Challenges 7: Voice Typing Comes to Google Docs 6: Google Docs: Insert Boxes Not Lines 5: …

Magnetic Poetry With Google Slides

The other day I mentioned @shakeuplearning’s awesome Halloween Magnetic Poetry created in Google Drawings.  After reading about it, I was inspired to create my own.  After getting some progra…

  • Technology integration consultant working mainly with Schoolnet South Africa. Also a part-time technology teacher for Grades 1-8 and a curriculum writer. Love networking and all things technology! ...

  • Tools