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Updated by alejandra-c on May 04, 2016
Headline for Saving Kids from Stress
alejandra-c alejandra-c
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Saving Kids from Stress

This is a list that shows some examples to know how to lower stress on your students


Being a kid doesn't always mean being carefree - even the youngest tots worry. Find out what stresses kids out and how to help them cope.
Is good to know where stress is coming from to eliminate it from the root of the problem

What is Stress?

A video of what stress is and how it affects each person. Giving some tips on how to manage it and don't let it take over the students life.

Children lower anxiety, reduce stress and fear/Stress Free Kids Learn about stress control through a book fro their understanding with Dr. Lori

Managing Stress - Brainsmart - BBC

Stress is all too natural. But here are some tips for keeping it under control by BBC.


Stress happens when you are worried or uncomfortable about something. You may feel angry, frustrated, scared, or afraid. Our article for kids will help you manage stress.

Stress in childhood: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

Childhood stress can be caused by any situation that requires the child to adapt or change. The situation often produces anxiety. Stress may be caused by positive changes, such as starting a new activity, but it is most commonly linked with negative changes such as illness or death in the family.

Helping Children Handle Stress

In middle childhood, pressures may come from a number of sources-from within the child herself, as well as from parents, teachers, peers and the larger society in which the child lives. Pressure can take many forms that challenge children and to which they must respond and, often, adapt. Whether these are events of lasting consequence like the divorce of their parents, or merely a minor hassle like losing their homework, these demands or stresses are a part of children's daily existence.

Identifying signs of stress in your children and teens

Emotional and behavioral cues like negative behavior changes, sick feelings and shifts in interpersonal interactions may be symptoms of stress.

Stress in early childhood

Early childhood is a critical period in a child’s life that includes ages from conception to five years old.[1] [2] Children are constantly developing, physically and emotionally. Mild stress can be beneficial by helping children develop skills needed to adapt to new situations and deal with dangerous and intimidating situations.[3] However, there is a point where prolonged or excessive stress becomes harmful and can lead to serious health effects. Although stress is a factor for the average human being, it can be a molding aspect in a young child’s life.[4] Stress can be beneficial by helping children develop skills needed to adapt to new situations and deal with dangerous and intimidating situations.[3] Stress is caused by internal or external influences that disrupt an individual’s normal state of well-being. These influences are capable of affecting health by causing emotional distress and leading to a variety of physiological changes[3] Internal stressors include physiological conditions such as hunger, pain, illness or fatigue. Other internal sources of stress consist of shyness in a child, emotions, gender, age and intellectual capacity.[4] External stressors include separation from family, exposure to family conflict, abuse, divorce, a new home or school, illness and hospitalization, death of a loved one, poverty, natural disasters, and adults’ negative discipline techniques.[4] Additional external stressors include prenatal drug exposure, such as maternal methamphetamine use, other maternal and paternal substance abuse, maternal depression, posttraumatic stress and psychosis.[4][5][6] Stress is an inevitable part of life. Human beings experience stress early, even before they are born. A certain amount of stress is normal and necessary for survival.[3] A few stressors can be manageable for young children, however, there is a point where prolonged stress becomes harmful and can lead to serious health effects. When stress builds up in early childhood, neurobiological factors are affected.[1] In turn, hormone cortisol levels are uncontrollable and cannot be brought back to normal ranges.[1]

Chronic Childhood Stress Leaves Lasting Impact on Brain

Extreme stress experienced during childhood, such as poverty, neglect, and physical abuse, might alter the parts of the brain responsible for learning, memory,

Early childhood stress affects brain's response to rewards: Study finds lingering changes in brain activity

A new study has pinpointed how early childhood stress affects brain activity, related to risks for depression and other mental health problems in adulthood.

Toxic Stress Disrupts Brain Architecture

This Working Paper defines the concept of toxic stress—what happens when children experience severe, prolonged adversity without adult support.

Stress Alters Kids' Brains, Study Suggests| Child Development

Children with highly stressed lives showed smaller brain areas linked to working memory than did less-stressed kids.

Publications & Multimedia

The recent debate in the popular press about “Tiger Mom” parenting is a timely sidebar to the exceptional progress occurring in research on development of the human brain and behavior: studies of infants and mothers are drawing a clear picture of the singular importance of early life experiences for the future adult.

In its toxic form, stress affects behavior and physical health, and we need to translate this knowledge into public policies that can prevent it.

Effects of Stress on Brain Development

Prolonged stress in young children can slow — or even stop — both brain development and physical growth. Prolonged exposure to cortisol released during the stress response can cause long-term damage to the developing brain, and can negatively affect the immune system.

Children’s early social experiences shape their developing neurological and biological systems
for good or for ill, writes Ross Thompson, and the kinds of stressful experiences that are
endemic to families living in poverty can alter children’s neurobiology in ways that undermine
their health, their social competence, and their ability to succeed in school and in life.

WebMD Survey: Parents Don’t See Kids’ Stress Signs

Children are showing signs of stress as early as grade school, but their parents are not seeing it, suggests a national survey by WebMD.

7 Tips for Helping Your Child Manage Stress

Like adults, kids also struggle with stress. Too many commitments, conflict in their families and problems with peers are all stressors that overwhelm children

Why Can Some Kids Handle Pressure While Others Fall Apart?

Scientists think bouts of panic in stressful situations can be traced to genetics. But don’t freak out. Biology is not necessarily destiny.

Kids Have Stress Too!® (KHST!)

Stress is a normal part of everyday life for children and adults. It helps to motivate us and adds a positive challenge to life. However, too much stress can be counter-productive and overwhelming.

Free Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) kit!

Our goal at WINGS is to help kids become the most well-rounded individuals they can be. We do this by delivering a social and emotional learning curriculum every day after school. We want to share a few of our favorite techniques with you!`

Quote of the Day

Forbes Welcome page -- Forbes is a global media company, focusing on business, investing, technology, entrepreneurship, leadership, and lifestyle.

What are traumatic stress reactions?

Learn about the three main types of traumatic stress reactions, which are considered normal and not more serious post traumatic stress reactions (PTSD).

Positive Parenting - American SPCC

Positive Parenting. American SPCC supports healthy parent-child relationships, and is a strong proponent of non-violent, positive parenting. We hope to break the cycle of child maltreatment and violence, and have a positive effective on the well-being of children and families.