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Updated by christina-sifuentes on Apr 27, 2016
Headline for The 30 Years War on European Expansion
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The 30 Years War on European Expansion

Thirty Years' War

Origins, witches, pogroms, Peace of Westphalia

Thirty Years War

Thirty Years War 1618-48, general European war fought mainly in Germany. General Character of the War There were many territorial, dynastic, and...

Thirty Years' War | European history

(1618–48), in European history, a series of wars fought by various nations for various reasons, including religious, dynastic, territorial, and commercial rivalries. Its destructive...

The Thirty Years War

Though pre-eminently a German war, was also of great importance for the history of the whole of Europe


30 Years War

30 Years War

Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Bohemia. He urged the Council of Trent to approve Communion in Both kinds...

Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Bohemia. He urged the Council of Trent to approve Communion in Both kinds...

Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Bohemia.

Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Bohemia.