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Updated by Kathy Waite on Jan 29, 2025
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April News News videos and reads

A round up of good reads in April

Morningstar: The more you pay, the less you get from funds

Ok the pic is just to get your attention

Most mutual fund under perform the market by 2% and eat 1/3 of your money every 13 years

why do so many people use them?

You are sold them and don't know there are alternatives for 1/10 the price.

They pay huge commissions and profits , its not for your benefit its for the benefit of the sales person and their company

If we had a fiduciary standard like the do now in the US on RRSPs this wouldn't be allowed to happen

Worried you don't have enough to retire? Optimizing in the face of scarcity

The safety-first school of thought was originally derived from academic models of how people allocate their resources over a lifetime to maximize lifetime satisfaction.

This approach was originated in the 1920s in the research of people like Frank Ramsey and Irving Fisher. Academics have studied these models since the 1920s to figure out how rational people make optimal decisions. In the retirement context, the question to be answered is how to get the most lifetime satisfaction from limited financial resources.

It is the basic fundamental question of economics: How do you optimize in the face of scarcity? In more recent history, Nobel Prize winners such as Paul Samuelson, Robert Merton, Franco Modigliani, and William Sharpe have explored these models.

How to ease clients' minds about ETF liquidity concerns

“An ETF is as liquid as its underlying holdings” has become a mantra. I, too, have been guilty of saying that, almost as a reflex, but what does it really mean? We must be careful to put these issues into context for our clients.

An ETF is simply a wrapper around a basket of stocks. That's it. The concept is not complicated. The stocks in that particular ETF basket continue to actively trade in the market. Nothing changes with regard to the individual stocks by bundling them together into an ETF: Apple is still Apple.

Efts make great transparent predictable #retirement planing tools . #Kathy Waite

Whenever we encounter periods of stress and adversity, we are wired to
search, process, and identify solutions to remedy the problem immediately. 
Sitting on are hands and doing nothing doesn’t seem to make it to the top
of our list. This is especially evident in investing.

New rules about fee disclosure coming soon. Look at your next investment statements

Over the last eight years, the U.K.’s financial industry has undergone a transformation, writes Katie Keir, That’s because regulators introduced the Retail Distribution Review (RDR), starting in 2006, which has pushed advisors to better serve clients.

Personal Finance is Personal

Nearly four out of five working households have retirement savings of less than one times their annual income. For those who carry a balance on their credit card, the average amount owed is over $15,000. Forty-seven percent of people would have a hard time coming up with $400 in the case of an emergency.