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Updated by Amber King on Mar 21, 2023
Amber King Amber King
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B2B Sales And Marketing

Sales and Marketing strategies to help businesses.

Agile Marketing For Lead Generation Campaigns

Lead generation service providers, especially those in the b2b industry, work with various clients all the time. It’s impossible for them to find a marketing strategy that will work effectively ...

Stay Confident In Ten Easy Ways

In business, especially where telemarketing tasks are involved, confidence can break barriers. It is true. Who would want to talk to someone who is not sure of themselves, especially on ...

Are Leaders The Key To The Success Of Your Sales And Marketing Campaign?

Your sales people are the frontliners of your business. Their failure means failure for your business. How do you make sure that your sales people are properly motivated to continually ...

9 Buying Signals

When a sales prospect has decided that they will make a purchase, they will often express their desire to do so ever so subtly. A change in the tone of ...

Learn The Difference Between Sales And Marketing

Sales and marketing are both necessary processes which allow all business ventures to succeed. However, they are used together so frequently that their individual meanings tend to get muddled together. ...

Developed Economies Use Less Social Media For Business

Social media has been making a wave in the marketing world. Businesses worldwide invest a lot in social media. Does it dominate all countries?

Telemarketingâs Seven Deadly Words

Risk is part of any marketing endeavor. When one uses telemarketing to support their business, there is always the chance that it will not go well. And the culprit? Poor choice of words. Read on to learn what these are.

Empowering Your Telemarketing Campaign

Telemarketing is one of the most widely used and effective direct marketing tools that exists for a long time now. Campaigns using this medium will reach greater heights when partnered with a telemarketing list that is not only updated but is also accurate. Read the article below to know the details why a telemarketing program is empowered by buying a telemarketing list.

Social Responsibility In The Telemarketing Industry | Sales and Marketing Strategies

Social responsibility is recently getting worldwide notice as an important component of corporate leadership. A frequent target of social responsibility issues are telemarketing companies who fail to adhere to specified telemarketing laws. Affiliating with a BPO company with a questionable reputation is evidently bad for business, no matter how productive they may appear to be in the beginning.

Top Mistakes that Telemarketers Need to Watch Out For

Know your mistakes and learn from it. This saying is very applicable to telemarketing. Knowing mistakes will allow telemarketers to avoid them to make their cam

Behold The Geek Marketer | Callbox Blog

The previous post, The Diversity of The Salesman, talked about the various personalities that a regular salesman had to embody. Unfortunately, it’s an incomplete list, with the gaping lack of an important function that accurately describe today’s prolific marketers.

Business Marketing Strategies: The Issue About Honesty In Business

Honesty is the best policy. Scott Thompson was caught lying about his degree on his resume. The question now is, is it better to retain a liar who is skilled in getting work done than an honest employee whose work is only mediocre.

Phone Applications Embrace Direct Marketing | Callbox Blog

Phone applications are not just for checking your emails, sending tweets, reading ebooks, editing pictures, posting statuses on Facebook and checking in to your current location. Now, phone applications can also be used to promote your business through the one channel you never thought you would use your smartphone for – direct mail marketing.

Social Media: A Game You Need to Play - Direct Marketing 101

Social media has taken the world by storm, and it is producing the kind of attraction that even telemarketing firms are interested. Not that it will be the newest competition of telemarketers. Rather, this is viewed by telemarketing firms as another means to generate B2B leads. And in the world of te

Business Marketing Strategies: How To Handle Customer Complaints

Customer service is an important part in a telemarketing process, especially during complaints. Now, how do you handle customer complaints on the phone?

Business Marketing Strategies: Lost In Translation In Information Technology

Language is one of the most important mediums in communicating your idea to your prospects. Regardless of what industry you are in, but most felt in the information technology industry, language plays a key role in getting more IT leads coming in.

How To Talk To Busy Executives | Sales and Marketing Strategies

When we perform lead generation work, the first thing that you might note is the difficulty in engaging the attention of business executives. This can be especially true if we ...

Business Marketing Strategies: 7 Ways to Be A Better Networker Than Your Competitors

If you want to win in the networking game and outdo your competition, you got to be more proactive than giving out business cards. Read the article for more ideas.

More Cold Calling Tips Straight From the Experts by Amber King

They say that cold calling is not is not an easy nor a fun job, but somebody’s got to do it. Here are some tricks of the trade straight from the pros.

Five Business Tips From Business Leaders | Sales and Marketing Strategies

Business is one world that you will certainly be lost in. Think of this place as a virtual jungle, where a single wrong step can get you into a virtual ...

Airtime for B2B: Video Cold Calling, Anyone? - Smart Business Marketing

Airtime, the newest brainchild of Shawn Fanning and Sean Parker, was successfully launched on June 5, 2012. This is one social media channel that reporters and netizens have been waiting for. For...

Five Business Rules You Should Unlearn | Sales and Marketing Strategies

You sure have learned a lot from school, right? That is why you feel like you are ready to take on the telemarketing business now. Except, there is a small ...

Da Michele, The Italian Niche Expert | Sales and Marketing Strategies

For those who have read Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, you will surely agree that one of the best parts of the story was her quest for the best ...

For Sales People: 5 Top Qualities to Wow Your Customers | Sales and Marketing Strategies

Attention sales people: Do you know that your business sales leads and prospects are tired of your languid selling efforts? Yes. And do you know that there are some particular ...

Improve Your Facebook Engagement With Photos | Sales and Marketing Strategies

Photos are by far the most visually appealing mediums available that can easily attract someone’s attention within a split second. Using photos is a simple and perhaps the most basic ...