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Updated by Vergil Foley on Apr 26, 2016
Headline for The Best of Turks and Caicos Diving Sites – dive deep
Vergil Foley Vergil Foley
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The Best of Turks and Caicos Diving Sites – dive deep

If you claim to be an amazing diver, then you got to see the amazing diving sites too. Ready? Then welcome to the best of Turks and Caicos Diving sites!



The very first to greet you at Amphitheatre are its spongy white sands and huge coral heads. And that makes things easy for you. You can naturally make a swim to the wall and then you are almost there with sloping sides. Among the marine creatures very much common here, you will find blue parrotfish and queen triggerfish. Watch triggerfish, and they will fascinate you with eating behaviour. They chew sea urchins, but smart enough to get rid of the wrasses and snappers. This is easy to reach if you stay at a place like COMO Shambhala.


The Aquarium

You need to reach the north end of the island. The best thing about the aquarium is that its reef edges go up and down swiftly. And this manifests many sand canyons down under. This site is blessed with rich sea rods, boulder star coral, sponges and boulder star coral. And the species you will commonly see here includes longspine squirrelfish, nassau groupers, green turtles and black durgon.


Black Forest

Named so, because you can find black coral here more than enough, these corals have a variety of shapes. The variety includes feathery black coral, bushy black coral, black coral trees and long curly wire coral. All that finally makes the Caribbean dive spot an awesome experience. You will also get a chance to see large parrotfish and sand tilefish. Diving here could fulfill your aspiration of keeping up with wellness activities.


Coral Canyon

Like Black Forest, Coral Canyon too has its name history. Because it falls into the ocean gulf like a rock face, this area is called coral canyon. You will find a large variety of corals – both hard and soft – here. They provide an ideal space especially to octopus and eel.


Coral Garden

At the Coral Garden, you will meet a number of Caribbean fish, along with filefish and Spanish hogfish. You need to be a bit careful as the coral formations are rocky. But you can also come across a number of sponges commonly found on the dive site.



It is the arch that is so fascinating at the McDonald's. It is big enough for you move freely and discover many corals and sponges here and there. It is simply impossible to think of McDonald's without the sight of grouper and parrotfish, green moray eels, eagle rays and many other small fish. The small fish serve the spot by cleaning it of the rubble.


Rolling Hills

There is more to Rolling Hills than its marine creatures such as lobsters and crabs. Rolling Hills is blessed by three swim-throughs. But it is no piece of cake to locate them, though an attempt is always worth.



Tunnels is inhabited by butterflyfish and angelfish when you visit here during the summer. And you will also spot manta rays too. Its natural arching has formed two natural swim-throughs. And interesting enough, you can even watch inside the tunnels with light emanating through the opening.