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Updated by ANH-USA on Jan 29, 2025
Headline for Seven Casualties In The War On Natural Medicine
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Seven Casualties In The War On Natural Medicine

Medical monopolies, short-sighted regulatory policies and junk science threaten access to many natural medicines. Are you a potential casualty in this expensive and dangerous war?


Cancer Treatments

Cancer Treatments

When my husband was diagnosed with cancer, our whole world was turned upside down. Chemo treatment didn’t seem to be helping and was making him miserable, so we started exploring our options. One doctor said we should try a different approach, including using intravenous vitamin C, which he would get from a compounding pharmacy. We said OK. His quality of life started to improve, and after a while we were told that the cancer was in remission. We were overjoyed. If I could speak to the FDA, I would tell them—please don’t eliminate access to compounded treatments like this. I believe it helped save my husband’s life. —Melanie P.


Estriol / Bioidentical Hormones

Estriol / Bioidentical Hormones

First, my doctor had me on synthetic hormones, but it made my life miserable. I had hot flashes, terrible mood swings, and I couldn’t sleep. I saw an integrative doctor who suggested I try compounded estriol—the biological equivalent of the hormone I needed—and it was a godsend. I feel better than ever! Why would the government take away something that has been perfected by Nature? It makes no sense. —Nancy R.


Treatments For Depression

Treatments For Depression

When I was diagnosed with depression, I didn’t want to take prescription drugs after I saw what they did to my cousin. When my doctor told me she could make a liquid suspension of amino acids that would help me manage my mood, I was thrilled. Now she’s telling me that she might not be able to give me the treatment any more. I don’t know what I’ll do. —Jacob K.


B-12 Injections

B-12 Injections

I was starting to feel tired and run down for most of the day, no matter how much sleep I got. I was a zombie. My doctor ran some tests and started me on a series of compounded vitamin B12 injections, and I could feel myself coming out of the fog. I tried taking other forms of B12, but none worked as well as the injections. Now, my doctor says he is having a hard time getting it, and when he does it’s so expensive that I can’t afford it. What’s going on? —Scott P.


Thyroid Treatments

Thyroid Treatments

When I was in my 20s, I was told I was hypothyroid—I wasn’t producing the hormones that I needed. I tried taking synthetic hormones, but that didn’t work. I even tried taking the natural hormones, but it still caused discomfort. What worked best for me was when my doctor had me try time-released natural thyroid hormones made by a compounding pharmacy. Now the price is skyrocketing and I don’t know if I can get it anymore. Why is this happening?” —Shannon S.


Treatments For Autism

Treatments For Autism

My five-year-old son James was recently diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. When his doctor started him on a treatment regimen that included supplements, it was impossible to get James to swallow the pills. The doctor said "No problem" and was able to get James the supplements he needed in liquid form from a compounding pharmacy. James has made such great progress. It will break my heart if the FDA outlaws the vitamins and nutrients that are such a big part of his healing. —Leslie S.


Universal Reactor Syndrome Therapies

Universal Reactor Syndrome Therapies

For a long time I knew I was extremely sensitive to my environment—for instance, walking through a department store full of perfumes and cosmetics would be nauseating. New carpet and new furniture did the same thing. Exposures like that could incapacitate me. When my integrative doctor suggested a supplement regimen for me, even the small amounts of preservatives in the supplements made me allergic! Luckily a pharmacist was able to make a special preparation for me that gave me preservative-free supplements. Without compounded supplements, how am I supposed to look after my health? —Elizabeth N.