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Updated by SocialHRCamp on Aug 21, 2017
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SocialHRCamp Toronto Sessions (August 23, 2012)

Do you want to be a part of a globally unprecedented HR UNconference? We are looking for speakers & topic ideas! INTERESTED? HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED TO DO ---> [1] Click "Add Item to List" [2] Select "item WITHOUT a link" [3] Put the topic name in the "Item Name" field [4] In the "Item Note" box: Write a short description of the topic and if you are interested in presenting it yourself. You can also recommend other speakers. Include the relevant Twitter handle & any other social networking links.



Social HR Tech - Make Data-Driven Decisions

Social HR Tech - Make Data-Driven Decisions

Everyone is all abuzz about messages, notes, status updates, likes, and +1's - the biggest change, though, is in how we can leverage this new source of data to make better decisions.

In this session we'll bounce around how you can leverage social data to help your managers, executives, and HR department make better decisions. We'll also share some of the cool insights we've been able to help dig up for our customers - we promise you'll learn something new!


Why Does Recruiting Hate HR?

Why Does Recruiting Hate HR?

Why does this antipathy exist between the Recruitment and HR function, and what can we do so we can partner and all get along? Let's explore during this session


Social HR Camp Toronto

Social HR Camp Toronto

You're Attending! Aug. 23rd


Learning 2.0: Creating a Collaborative, Connected, Continuous Learning Culture

Learning 2.0: Creating a Collaborative, Connected, Continuous Learning Culture

Interactive exploration of the power of social learning. Let’s discover together:
• Key catalysts, social learning heroes and companies that rock
• Shared experiences on successful adoption
• Return on social learning

How to Devise a Social Media Strategy for Your Company - BlueSky Personnel Solutions - Vice-President Julie Labrie

Julie's "inside scoop" in terms of social media and recruitment/talent attraction. After 14 years of recruiting top talent, she is a veteran and leader in the Canadian HR field. She works closely with both business/HR executives and job candidates (interviewing close to 1,500 candidates every year!) - as such, she can offer insights into the psychology of social media strategies which HR professionals can use for top talent attraction.


Social Media Engagement & Employer Brand

Social Media Engagement & Employer Brand

The argument is that organizations that have higher social media engagement have stronger and more magnetic employer brands. A stronger employer brand attracts higher quality talent, reduces HR costs, increases business results/productivity and retains top talent. It's a no-brainer so let's talk about this! Jeff Waldman @JeffWaldmanHR


Evolve! Building Workplace 2.0

Evolve! Building Workplace 2.0

Are you ready for tomorrow’s workplace? The next horizon for organizations requires that they change the way work gets done at a fundamental level. Pioneers in this field are innovating roles, promoting emergent leadership, rethinking management architecture, and leveraging web 2.0 technologies to create a more collaborative, transparent, and innovative workspace. What is the role of Human Resources in driving this change?


Web 2.0: The Perfect Workplace

Web 2.0: The Perfect Workplace

Have you ever noticed that the online culture is nothing like your own workplace culture. Discover the hidden culture of web 2.0 and how we can apply lessons learned to evolve our workplaces.


Google+ Hangouts & SEO

Google+ Hangouts & SEO

Google+ is a game changer, with hangouts there are endless possibilities for connection in all fields including HR.. all tied in with bonus SEO..


Your Employer Brand Has a Voice

Your Employer Brand Has a Voice

Social HR is an interactive conversation between your employer brand and your constituents whether they are employed by you or you hope to engage them. What is the voice of your employer brand and where does it live? What conversations are you creating and how are they helping or hurting your brand? Learn how smart organizations are creating an honest, authentic voice online. See examples in this session of great video approaches for talent acquisition. Try out the video record tools live in session and see how it works.


Cool Tools (HR Edition)

Cool Tools (HR Edition)

Everyone loves tools right, huh huh? Well in this session we're going to review some of the top Productivity, Recruitment, Engagement and Social tools that we've seen over the past few months, and hopefully you'll walk away with some neat ideas to show your team.


Building The Social Enterprise

Building The Social Enterprise

Developing and executing a social strategy are no longer the domain of marketing or communications alone. Social media should become part of an organization's DNA, part of the everyday operations.

This presentation will highlight areas where social can add value to an organization's ability to attract, develop, and retain talent.

It will also discuss the change management issues and potential risks that arise with social media initiatives.

Finally, it will illustrate the importance of having proper stakeholder representation, including HR, at the strategy table.


Building a Social Culture for Today's Workplace

Building a Social Culture for Today's Workplace

Social media and technology provide awesome tools for building stronger engagement and performance in your business. But the tool is just a tool. If you don't have a culture to support it, it won't be effective.
In this session, we'll discuss companies that are social, how their culture supports it, and the success they're seeing.
We'll start building your own roadmap to this type of culture in your organization.


Organizational Competitiveness and Change - 0.1 or 4.0 ?

Organizational Competitiveness and Change - 0.1 or 4.0 ?

A dynamic dialogue about creating , executing and sustaining organizations that are competitive


How to talk to your employees about social media

How to talk to your employees about social media

Have you had the social media "talk" with your employees yet? To date, most employers have avoided the topic. In this session you will learn how to empower your employees with the common sense guidelines needed for safe, responsible and effective social media use, both personally and professionally. The information shared is based on the best practices, advice and ideas found in over 160 social media policies and though leaders around the web.


The smart approach to corporate social media training strategy

The smart approach to corporate social media training strategy

As more and more corporations adopt social media, the need for employee training is becoming quite apparent. Unfortunately it's never a one size fits all solution. Your leadership team needs to be trained to lead your company's social media efforts. The employee who will be using it as part of their job function need to be trained on how to use sites like Blogs, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, to connect with your audience(s) and ultimately achieve the business goals. While the rest of the employee base needs to understand their role in the strategy too. In this session, you'll find out why it's critical to tailor your training to these core groups and more importantly what elements should be included in each training program.


The Softer Side of HR

The Softer Side of HR

What skills can and should HR be teaching the rest of the Enterprise?

With understanding people being so important online and off the skills of empathy and social connections are critical to Enterprise success.

Beyond social skills the psychology of habit and understanding how to encourage customers to engage with you habitually are going to be critical in the years to come.

Habit is the new Viral.


Devise a Social Media Strategy for Your Company

Devise a Social Media Strategy for Your Company

Strategies which HR professionals can use for top talent attraction.

How to use social media to find the best talent

You have to build your team, and only the best talent will do. So, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, Twitter? Which social media site will yield the best talent for you? Get the “inside scoop” from 14-year recruitment veteran, Globe and Mail and Workopolis columnist, Julie Labrie, VP of Blue Sky BlueSky Personnel Solutions. Maximize the ROI on your time and resources. Discover which sites are best for attracting the talent you want, so you can build a customized social media recruitment strategy that works harder for you.


A Beginner's Guide to Twitter for HR Pros

A Beginner's Guide to Twitter for HR Pros

These days you can't go very far without hearing how awesome Twitter is for recruiting talent. In this beginner's session designed specifically for HR professionals you will:
Learn how Twitter works
Get a handle on the lingo
Know what makes a great profile
Understand the Twitter "netiquette"
See how candidates use it to find jobs
Checkout how other companies use Twitter to source talent

Plus, you learn other useful tips and tricks you'll be able to use right away. If you want to finally understand how Twitter really works, this is one session you don't want to miss!


Linked In for Beginners

Linked In for Beginners

One of the first accounts set up (poorly in some cases) when you enter the business world. Its used to network with others, and hopefully grow your business. We will take a brief surface look at setting up a profile, shedding light on some of the do's and don'ts


The power of video for HR - Beginner level

The power of video for HR - Beginner level

With a decade of video uploaded to youtube every day and 4 billion views a day, video is huge. Video allows us to connect with customers, candidates, and employees in ways that plain text simply doesn't provide.
In this interactive session, we'll discuss the risks that come with the ability for anyone with a smartphone to upload video about your organization. We'll look at examples of video for HR and business, and we'll even get a chance to make our own video and post it!
We promise you'll learn something new with practical applications for your business, and have a ton of fun in this session!

Social Recruiting - Beginner

This session will examine and discuss existing recruiting channels on social platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, etc. and provide an overview of of social recruiting applications such as Jobvite, BranchOut, BeKnown, ZipRecruiter, and Facebook Marketplace. We will also lead a discussion about the effectiveness of social recruiting channels vs. traditional recruiting job boards such as Workopolis, Monster, CareerBuilder, and niche sites such as StackOverflow and Ladies Learning Code.

Social Recruiting - Advanced

Building a network of like-minded people on any social or community platform - online or offline - is the key to effective social recruiting. By sourcing and "pipelining" specific skill-sets, a selection of available talent can be at your fingertips. This session will discuss methodologies to build and retain communities of people with specific skill-sets and how to use social media to recruit, engage and retain top talent.

