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Updated by Claire Salmons on Mar 23, 2016
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Science Focused Resources - Simple Machines (2.F.a-d)

Bill Nye - Simple Machines

This is a great Bill Nye video about all types of simple machines. It is a reliable video on a reliable website and it is very informational. The students will like it because it is funny and relevant to the real world.

Simple Machines

Description: This is a simple, clear image of the six simple machines.
Rationale: This image identifies 6 simple machines without definitions (a good way to use our curriculum definitions and not confuse the students). It will be an easy way for students to test themselves or to get a clearer idea of what we are talking about. I like this image because it is so straight-forward.

Museum of Science and Industry: Simple Machines Game

Description: This is an intricate, interactive game that applies the use of simple machines as well as work and force.
Rationale: This game is visually and intellectually stimulating. There are directions around the page that make the navigation very easy. I also like that the game comes from the museum of science and industry--it makes it credible to me and the students.

Simple Machines Games - Learn About Simple Machines Online | Learning Games For Kids

Description: This is a website filled with educational games including several simple machines games.
Rationale: I really like the idea of the students picking the way they want to learn; here there are matching games, word searches, and other themed games. It is easy to navigate and the students will like the variety it provides.

Simple Machines Infograph

Description: This is a kid-friendly infograph all about simple machines.
Rationale: The visual and graphic art is very appealing in this infograph. It is also simple and condensed information. I really like that this can be printed off like a chart for classroom display.

Simple Machines

Description: This is a short, practical video with both general and specific information about simple machines.
Rationale: This video uses a combination of real-world images and cartoon images. It is from PBS, a source that many students will be familiar with. The video moves quickly which makes it more interesting.

Simple Machines for Kids - Science Games and Videos

Description: This website has a lot of information for different ages and types of learners.
Rationale: There are quizzes, games, diagrams, presentations, and more that the students can easily navigate and use independently. There are a lot of choices to pick from and I think that the students will appreciate getting to personalize their learning through this website.

Simple Machines: Lever, Inclined Plane & Pulley - Video & Lesson Transcript |

Description: This is an informational video about how simple machines make life easier.
Rationale: This video includes advanced, but relevant information in detail and with textbook definitions. It was very specific in defining the simple machines and even goes beyond the GLE (which I don't think is a bad thing if it is just mentioned as a point of interest.)

Engineering: Simple Machines - Lesson -

Description: This is a website with a lesson plan laid out for teachers--I think it can be used in a self-guided lab for the students.
Rationale: This website has VERY detailed information and steps for this lab activity that the students can navigate and understand without a teacher's help. It is hands on and informational.

Simple Machine Challenge

Description: This video and website encourage students to participate by reading about simple machines and then completing a lab "challenge" to apply the reading.
Rationale: This is a National Geographic educational activity that will engage students physically and mentally as they try to complete the challenge. The steps listed and the video will help students navigate the lab. This is a really fun way to get students to work together and do something outside the typical classroom boundaries.