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Updated by mel-loves-sally on Mar 22, 2016
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The Pros and Cons of Year-Round Teaching

Currently, in the educational world, a debate as to whether schools should rethink the idea of summer vacation, which is tradition and has become obsolete in function. But what are the pros and cons of having year-round schooling for American students?


Year-Round Schooling Definition

Year-Round Schooling Definition

A 180 day school year that exists in 6-9 week units with a 2-4 week break in between each.

Research Spotlight on Year-Round Education

Most schools in the United States operate on the 10-month calendar that was established when America was still an agrarian country. But times have changed and many people propose doing away with this outdated system and moving to year-round education.

The Pros and Cons of Year-Round Schools

The very thought of sending kids to school year-round makes some parents cringe. They balk at the idea of kids attending schools with no summer break. They question the value of a continuous school year interspersed with several short breaks. While the schedule is definitely not what the majority of adults grew up with, it's not nearly as onerous as some people think. Rather than giving kids less time off, a year-round schedule offers the same 180 days of schooling as the traditional calendar, created long ago to ensure children were home to help their parents harvest crops.

The Pros and Cons of Year-Round School

Is year-round school right for your family? Check out the pros and cons of year-round school.


Year-Round Schooling v. Traditional Schooling Statistcs

Year-Round Schooling v. Traditional Schooling Statistcs

The Traditional Calendar represents the current calendar typically used in American schooling--the 180 day school year with about a 2 month summer vacation in between years. The Balanced Calendar represents a Year-Round Schooling year model.

Districts Weigh Pros and Cons of Year-Round Schools - NEA Today

Year-round schools are on the rise. According to the Congressional Research Service, the number of year-round schools has increased by 764 since 2007.

Facts to Help Parents Identify the Pros and Cons of Year-Round School

Get the facts about the pros and cons of year-round schools with this analysis of whether they boost student performance and capacity to compete.


Pros and Cons for the Schools

Pros and Cons for the Schools

This image lists the pros and cons of Year-Round Schooling for schools.


This image lists the pros and cons of Year-Round Schooling for families and communities.

This image lists the pros and cons of Year-Round Schooling for families and communities.
Why students may benefit from year-round schooling

At one school in West Virginia, administrators, teachers and parents swear by a year-round calendar that has the same number of teaching days as any other sc...

The Pros & Cons of Year Round Schooling

-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool...

Year-round School

None-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at . Make your own animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a fre...

Multiple Views: year 'round school

We have multiple views from a school district looking to offer a year 'round school schedule for some students.

Year Long School, It’s not that bad

Have you ever came back to school after the summer break and forgot most of your work? Shorter summer breaks mean students are less likely to incur summer le...

Don't Let Year Round Schools Take Your Summer Away!

This video will give you a few examples about why year round schools are bad. It will also give you something that you can do. Bibliography: Is Going to Year...

Website at

This is a website created by a researcher who has been studying Year-Round education against the implementation of year-round schooling.

Districts That School Year-Round

Robert Smotherman wanted to increase the quality of time students spent in classrooms in the Bardstown, Ky., school district. Changing the district’s five schools to a year-round calendar seemed to be a logical route: Break up vacations into smaller pieces and offer remedial and enrichment activities during those shorter breaks.


A Calendar of a Year-Round School

A Calendar of a Year-Round School
Year-Round Education: Change and Choice for Schools and Teachers Paperback – March 22, 2005

Year-Round Education: Change and Choice for Schools and Teachers [Shelly Gismondi Haser, Ilham Nasser] on FREE shipping on qualifying offers. Over the last 20 years, many districts and schools have begun to explore year-round education or a modified calendar in response to student under-achievement in low performing schools. Here


Anti Year-Round Schooling

Anti Year-Round Schooling

Pro Year-Round Schooling

Pro Year-Round Schooling