Got your mid terms coming up next week? or your presentation the next day? We all have problems staying up no matter how important our work is. Here's a list of things you should do to stay up at night.
Drink Coffee
Ha! You've already tried this one! Coffee is your trusted buddy to keep you company through the night so go, brew some!
Do Stretching Exercises
Sketching exercises will make you feel refreshed so you can get back to your work without feeling any strain on your body.
Snack Healthy
Staying up all night is bound to get you hungry. Save up on a lot of grogginess and snack on healthy foods so you will keep you active instead of tired and sleepy.
Drink A Lot Of Water
Water will refresh your mood and keep you going as you try to beat the clock!
Sniff Peppermint Oil
Smelling peppermint oil gives your senses the jolt that it needs to help you stay up!
Brush Your Teeth
Brushing your teeth will make you feel refreshed so you can work for longer!
Watch Funny Videos
Laughter is the best medicine but it's a also a great way to feel refreshed.
Have A Stay-up Buddy
Have someone stay up with you so that you don't fall asleep and they won't let you.
Take A Powernap
Powernaps are 20 minute naps that you take so that your body gets enough rest to keep working and makes you feel less sleepy!
Have A Light Dinner
Your dinner can be responsible for your grogginess. Have a light, healthy dinner so that your digestive system doesn't make you uncomfortable to stay up.