Listly by amber-albright
Things You should know before you start teaching and info for new teachers.
10 Things I Wish I Knew My First Year Of Teaching
Don't you wish you knew the good, the bad and the ugly before you became a teacher? Find out some things to look forward to and things to avoid. Do you have something to add to the list? Please do in the comment section below or in Teaching forum. 1. Relating to every student takes research. If you're like me, you are decades older than your students. It takes research to figure out what prior knowledge you're building on. Don't just focus on what they've learned in school, but think about what they've learned outside of school. What programs do they ...
Now go back and thank your teachers. Post to Facebook: Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: Post to Twitter: http:...
In honor of teacher appreciation week, SoulPancake and Edutopia asked teachers to write a letter to themselves on their first day teaching. What teacher do y...
The teachers' lounge is not the safe space you think it is.
Find out the one thing that teachers wish they'd known before they decided to become a teacher. They share a wealth of knowledge, practical tips and insights.
The first year of teaching is incredibly challenging for most. New teachers are overwhelmed by all the daily decisions and feelings of being overloaded. This will get better.
Ryan learned about classroom management the hard way, through trial and error. After time in the classroom and coaching he's sharing 3 things he wishes he'd
Art educators have to deal with a lot of issues, so we’ve created topics that will help you find what you’re looking for. Each one covers a different area relevant to art teachers today so go ahead and explore them.
Meghan Mathis, a special education teacher, loves her job and couldn't imagine doing anything else, but here are 5 things that she wishes she knew before becoming a special education teacher.
New teachers face many obstacles during their first year on the job. Middle school teacher Cristie Watson draws attention to some major errors to avoid.
A veteran teacher provides 10 tips for new teachers, bits of advice you probably won’t find on traditional lists.
First-year teachers had a lot of it to offer to new teachers who follow them. Their tips ran the gamut�from memorizing students' names right away to making peace with the realization that some children cannot be reached. Teachers also offered practical advice on classroom management, working with parents, and more.
Teachers who survived that dreaded first year share lessons learned.
Classroom veterans share their best tips for new teachers. For more real teacher advice, go to
By Rebecca Mieliwocki, Special to CNN. Editor’s note: Rebecca Mieliwocki is a seventh grade English teacher in California who was chosen the 2012 National Teacher of the Year. The National Teacher of the Year is a project of the Council of Chief State School Officers.
From wikis to blogs to social media in the classroom, blogger and educator Lisa Dabbs shares twenty great ideas for new teachers.
First year teacher learns just how much money educators have to spend on classroom materials. If teachers like this didn't bring supplies to the classroom, m...
From the power of Google to ditching the monotone, secondary teacher Lulu Kuper shares her proven tips on how NQTs can get the best from their students
This summer, Teaching Channel will be helping beginning teachers countdown to their first year of teaching. We’ll walk you through the steps you’ll need to take
Attention New Teachers! Just when you think you can't make it through another CAN! And this educator's tips will guide you with some survival scenarios you may have never considered before.