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Updated by Vaishnavi Kumar on May 12, 2022
Headline for Top 10 Coolest Jobs In The World
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Top 10 Coolest Jobs In The World

We've always dreamed of the most perfect job that's never work but always fun but there are some wacky jobs that let you do just that. Here's a list of some of the coolest jobs in the world.


Chocolate Taster

Chocolate Taster

Imagine eating your favorite confectionery being your job? Chocolate Tasters, depending on their experience and demand, are paid to do just that. Indulge their sweet tooth. Sweet!


Movie Critic

Movie Critic

Are you one of the movie buffs who calls the theatre his second home every other day? If yes, then this is your dream job.


Luxury Bed Tester

Luxury Bed Tester

Yes, there is a job like this where you get to sleep on luxury beds from 10-6 and review them. Beauty sleep on the job!


Waterslide Tester

Waterslide Tester

If you're a wster baby, this oen's for you. The job entails using waterslides in theme parks to test it for safety and 'fun' quotient!




Going to places with the love of your life (your DSLR) and taking pictures is everyone's dream job, isn't it?


Secret Agent

Secret Agent

We've all wanted to be spies when we were kids, imagine the role play was real. Let's go save the world? Heck yeah!


Personal Shopper

Personal Shopper

Shopping is a hobby or retail therapy for most people but for some, it's their job! Personal Shopper are hired for shopping by busy professionals to help them look their best always.


Private Island Caretaker

Private Island Caretaker

You read that right, Ben Southall, 34, of Petersfield, beat out nearly 35,000 applicants from around the world for the dream assignment to swim, explore and relax on Hamilton Island in the Great Barrier Reef, while writing a blog to promote the area. I wouldn't mind THAT job!




On every bookworm's wishlist of jobs to have, writing although job that needs a lot of headwork is one of the coolest jobs ever.


Video Game Tester

Video Game Tester

You get to try out the latest video games that are out. It doesn't get better than this.