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Updated by Gustavo Tagliassuchi on Mar 13, 2016
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Ferramentas online para conversão de formatos de arquivos

Ferramentas online para conversão de formatos como YouTube para arquivo de vídeo ou mp3, arquivos do Word para HTML, imagens para PDF, PDF para HTML5 e muito mais.

CloudConvert - convert anything to anything

convert anything to anything - more than 200 different audio, video, document, ebook, archive, image, spreadsheet and presentation formats supported.

YouTube to MP4 & MP3 Converter and Video Download

YouTube to MP3, MP4 Downloader and Converter

Convert Files - free online file converter and flash video downloader.Convert videos, audio files, documents and eboo...

Convert your files from one file type to another without downloading any software. Convert for free almost any type of ebooks, documents, archives, spreadsheets, audio and video files to your desire file format.Convert YouTube to mp3.

Word to clean HTML is a free converter tool for documents produced by Microsoft Word and similar office software. Word to clean HTML strips out invalid or proprietry tags, leaving clean HTML behind for use in web pages and ebooks.

Free Online OCR - convert scanned PDF and images to Word, JPEG to Word

Free Online OCR is a software that allows you to convert scanned PDF and images into editable Word, Text, Excel output formats.

Online Tools and resources for Webmasters and Web Developers. Easily change text and html, remove line Breaks, capitalize sentences, convert text to basic html and other common tasks.

Wordoff was originally created by Tom Dyson, but unfortunatley it no longer exists.
The team at Target Local and our customers use it all the time, so we've recreated a quick JavaScript version.

Convert any YouTube Video to MP3 with our Totally Free cloud based service. It's lightning fast and no download or registration is required! Unlimited!

YouTube to MP3 ferramenta de conversão de vídeo

YouTube para mp3 conversão feito direito. Use facilmente nosso conversor youtube para mudar de vídeo em um download de mp3.

Convert PDF to HTML5 Flipbook - A free Converter

It's difficult to find a PDF to flipbook converter that will convert PDF to HTML5. The ones I tried have either been complicated, or cost an arm and a leg.