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Updated by andimsdale on Mar 13, 2016
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Open Education Resources

10 Resources on Understanding Context Clues

Context Clues Millionaire Game

Think you know how to use context clues? See if you can become a millionaire by playing this game! In this game, you'll be able to replace the unknown word with a synonym to see if you can win the million dollar prize!

Context Clues

Figuring out words you don't know isn't so hard! Watch this video. It will show you examples of figuring unknown words and strategies that an author may use to help you! Student activity

This fun center activity will help you understand the different types of context clues an author will use. To play, simply read the cards and match the card to the type of clue used! It's a simple as that!

Context Clues - 5th Grade Level

Get ready to test your context clue knowledge! Start by choosing the amount of players. Then pick a category and read the questions. Whoever writes down the correct answer, gets those points! You can play by yourself or with a group! Best of luck!

Context Clues Song (Context Clues by Melissa)

This song perfectly describes what to do when you come across words you don't know when you're reading! Make sure you listen all the way through. Grab a book afterward and GET TO READING!

Context Clue Practice

This worksheet gives extra practice on using context clues to figure out difficult words. I bet you can guess them all!

Context Clues

This context clue mini lesson and quiz will prepare you for your next reading assignment. Read all about the context clues and see if you can answer the quiz at the end! On your mark, get set, GO!

Context Clue matching game

Use your context clues to see if you can win this matching game! Directions: Read the sentences. Use clues to figure out what the *bold *word means. Then choose the correct answer in the drop down menu on the left side of the sentence.

Context Clues Song - Lyrics on Screen

This catchy song will help you figure out how to use context clues and the types of context clues you'll come across when you're reading.

Context Clue Practice Game

Wow! what a silly way to work on context clues! Read the sentences and then pie the duck with the correct answer in the face! Practice makes perfect!