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Many auto locksmiths will offer an emergency call service which beats the time it would take to order new keys or keycards from a dealer or local garage and get them programmed into your vehicle. At Advanced Locksmiths we offer a 24 hour emergency service covering a 30 mile radius and can get you on the road again in just a few hours. That an auto locksmith can operate outside of normal working hours gives customers assurance that they can deal with their car lockout with minimal hassle.
As an auto locksmith can handle your vehicle lockout system wherever you are, you’ll be able to stay with or keep an eye on your vehicle so you’ll know it is safe. This is extremely reassuring if you have valuable possessions in your car which you wouldn’t want to be taken to a garage.
An auto locksmith should be up to date in their practices for a wide range of vehicle types and models. We replace and repair keys and keycards for most makes and models of car, van or lorry, from Renaults to BMWs, so that you can trust us to provide an effective service if you happen to be locked out of your personal or work vehicle, or any vehicle you’re insured on.
Instead of incurring potentially high fees of getting your vehicle to a dealer’s garage for your key or keycard replacement, an auto locksmith can be called out to the roadside to unlock your vehicle and at a cheaper rate. Additionally, an auto locksmith like us can supply you with a replacement key or keycard at a much smaller price than if you went through the main dealer. We are Members of the Hampshire County Council Trading Standards and Check a trade, so that we can ensure we provide good quality and industry level key and keycard replacement services at reasonable rates.
Your auto locksmith should be able to identify whether your vehicle’s keys can be directly copied or programmed and have the appropriate tools for the job. We have a specialist knowledge and the right equipment to extract or obtain your vehicle’s unique security code, cut, reproduce and program the new keys. By using an auto locksmith for your vehicle lockout, all of this can be done whilst you wait.