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Updated by Ashish Dodhia on Nov 16, 2016
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Brass Fasteners

All types of fasteners products are available in brass material. Fasteners products are made with high quality raw material.

High Quality Brass Fasteners Manufacturers India

Brass fasteners is a metallic mechanical device to attach two things together. Dodhia brass is leading manufacturers of high quality brass fasteners screws, nuts, rivets, studs and washers in different size and shapes. | Title: High Quality Brass Fasteners Manufacturers India, Author: DodhiaBrass, Name: brass_fasteners__5dc49424ecfa7b, Length: 12 pages, Published: 2016-03-02T00:00:00.000Z

Brass Fasteners India - Chosen Right Suppliers To Complete Your Order

Brass fasteners manufacturers and suppliers offer you a wide range of brass fasteners products at reasonable price. Chose the right suppliers of brass fasteners to complete your orders in committed time and budget.

Precision brass turned components and brass fasteners manufacturers India

India is a hub of brass parts and components. Indian brass manufacturers industries are made various types of brass fasteners, precision brass turned components and other brass products form high quality raw materials.

Brass Fasteners - A prime choice of automotive industry

Manufacturers are always chosen brass to make fasteners because of its standard features. Brass fastener is used to join products together and become a prime choice of automotive and other industries. Brass fasteners manufacturers India offers a wide range of fastener in different size and also as a client requirement to join the products or equipment.

Brass fasteners are used in furniture for innovative look

Brass fasteners give the modern look of your home and office furniture. Brass fasteners manufacturers India are offering different types of fasteners in different shape, design and color and give the right suggestion to buy the right brass fasteners for furniture.