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Updated by Jackson Middleton on Jul 23, 2020
Headline for Resource List | Season 2 Episode 10 | Cait Flanders | Because Money
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Resource List | Season 2 Episode 10 | Cait Flanders | Because Money

Here is the resource list from the Because Money episode featuring the incomparable Cait Flanders. Cait is a great resource on living a full and minimal life, check her out on the line.

Blonde on a Budget

Blonde on a Budget is Cait Flanders' journey from being a maxed out, overindulging girl to becoming a balanced and financially sound woman.

The Mindful Budgeting Program

Today is a really exciting day for me, friends. Well, exciting and also terrifying. After months – maybe even a year – of daydreaming about creating a print product that could help people take control of their finances, I finally decided to take action and turn my dream into a reality. I wrote the content, shared it with friends and did at least six rounds of edits. Two months later, it’s finally done, and now I get to share it with all of you!

Cait Flanders

Die neuesten Tweets von Cait Flanders (@blondeonabudget). Writer/editor, part-time traveller, and minimalist doing a 2-year shopping ban. Co-host of @budgetsandcents podcast: Victoria, BC

Budgets and Cents

Welcome to the sixth episode of Budgets and Cents with Cait and Carrie. Today we’re talking about preparing for a career change.

Blonde on a Budget

Blonde on a Budget. 4406 „Gefällt mir“-Angaben · 331 Personen sprechen darüber. Blonde on a Budget is Cait Flanders' journey from being a maxed out,...

Cait Flanders (@blondeonabudget) • Instagram photos and videos

Island girl, minimalist and creator of the Mindful Budgeting Program. When I'm not blogging, I'm hiking, travelling and documenting #simpleyear 2016.

  • I am wearing a kilt right now and have consumed coffee today. Family Man. Innovator. Foodie. List Maker. Marketing consultant living on Vancouver Island. I don't own pants.

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