Listen, a ridiculous commercial is what it is. These are our top picks that leave us asking, for-why? Just Why? Money could have been better spent on ANYTHING else but this. Enjoy. Note: All publicity is not good.
Hey T-Mobile! You’re WRONG! Repeatedly. So much for 'paying for your mistakes'. Now, you get paid for them? Makes as much sense as pink balls. Pause. THIS IS A MESS!
Skittles IS The Alternate Universe But Whyyyyyy this? Do kids even know who Steven Tyler (the Legend that he) is? Is anyone who does, chomping on Skittles? Askew. Awry. Off-point.
Tonia D. Weiters is Executive Creative Director at ECMG Creative Studios, an integrated creative agency that builds and establishes brands by creating deliverables that demand response and engageme...