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Why does it seem so difficult to change habitual behaviors?
Up to now, we have been unclear on the relationship between the conscious and the subconscious and what actually triggers our behavior.
Much of “talk therapy” focuses on the surface awareness of the conscious mind, but doesn’t address subconscious beliefs. New awareness and techniques can access and change the underlying programs. [This is a list of energy psychology techniques that work by changing the underlying subconscious programs]
BodyTalk is a consciousness-based, nondiagnostic therapy that works with the body in its healing process. BodyTalk Access is the 10-minute-a-day, practical answer to your and your family’s health and wellbeing. is a community-minded, educational website dedicated to sharing the art and practice of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). We offer a growing library of innovative resources and training materials for students and teachers, including weekly EFT articles from enthusiastic users from around the world. Want to explore EFT further? Click here to Discover EFT and learn more about how you can balance the energy you bring to any life situation.
1) Inner Resonance Technologies
IRT has 7 brief steps that facilitate you in making certain inner agreements that set the conditions to allow your own automatic system to rebalance and harmonize itself physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, transforming all parts of your life.
2) Instant Emotional Healing
Instant Emotional Healing: Acupressure for the Emotions, by Peter T. Lambrou, Ph.D. and George J. Pratt, Ph.D. Drs. Pratt and Lambrou have created a book that explains the foundations of a new branch of therapy call energy psychology.
3) Neurolink’s Neurological Integration System
NIS is based upon the neurophysiology principle that the brain governs optimum function of all the body systems. Prioritized treatment protocols are used to assess the function of all the body’s systems, and all the factors that have or could translate themselves to symptoms.Neurolink’s protocols leverage the brain’s profound ability to restore the body and all its systems to full potential.
4) Silva Ultr...
The official website of PSYCH-K Centre International, PSYCH-K is a set of principles and processes designed to change subconscious beliefs that limit the expression of your full potential as a divine being having a human experience.
Discover Core Health and the DTQ (Deeply Thoroughly Quickly) Process to clear energy glitches, traumas and poor decisions. Core Health assists people to re-experience and re-activate their innate healthy core.