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Updated by Lister on Sep 06, 2021
Lister Lister
23 items   3 followers   3 votes   529 views

Best Mac MMORPG of All Time

This list sets out to rank the best MMORPG for Mac with the help of the community. Cast your votes, add games!



EVE Online

EVE Online

EVE Online is an open-ended Sci-fi MMOGRPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game). Most MMORPG’s takes you through monotone and repetitive quests and leveling. What makes EVE so much different is how much impact you as a player and the community has on the game. Economy and Balance in the universe..




Dofus is a flash-based massive multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG). Published and Developed by Ankama, the french mmo computer game creator and manufacturer. Ankama’s goal is to create massive multiplayer online games that can reach out to all users. It does not matter if you use windows,linux or mac or if your computer is slow or fast.




PlaneShift is a free and open-source medieval fantasy MMORPG for Mac, Windows and Linux. Built on the open source Crystal Space 3D Engine by a group of RPG enthusiasts, PlaneShift offers fully 3D graphics and a much higher level of community than other similar titles and follows a completely non-profit development model. Although PlaneShift is not yet a complete game, it is already possible to hang out and role-play with friends, do battle with in-game monsters, complete any of a range of quests and even build your own house or castle. There is much to do in the world of PlaneShift and the game already has a dedicated following of fans.


World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft is undoubtedly the most popular MMORPG for Mac ever made. With an estimated peak user base sitting at around 12 million players worldwide. Where do you think it ranks among the best MMORPG for Mac?




Runescape is a browser-based fantasy MMORPG that is completely free to play. Because it is designed to play in a browser and uses Java it is completely platform independent and with an estimated 10 million players worldwide, this makes it one of the most played MMORPG for Mac or Linux available today. It is without a doubt the world’s most popular free MMO game as recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records. While this is game both loved and hated, where do you think it ranks?


A Mystical Land

A Mystical Land

A Mystical Land is a free to play 3D browser-based MMORPG published by Neonga Nation. As a player you will enter an enchanted fantasy world filled with wizards and knights. Fight your way thru endless quests against bandits and mighty dragons. Explore many vast territories. Or become your towns most skilled crafter, create your own clothes with tailoring or build your own weapons with black smithing. The list of crafts is long, but where does it rank among other MMORPG for Mac?


Warhammer Online

Warhammer Online

Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning or WAR as it is more commonly known is the ultimate free to play MMORPG for Mac based entirely on campaigns and battle. Built around the idea of racial pairings at war with each other, the player must fight their enemy or their allies’ enemies in order to secure victory and advance in the game. People familiar with the Warhammer universe will quickly recognise much in this popular Mac MMORPG. Does it rank in the top 10?




Wizard101 is a free to play MMORPG for Mac developed and published by KingsIsle Entertainment. Join the Ravenwood School of Magical Arts and become a master of wizardry. Explore and adventure a world of original and beautiful 3D. Complete quests and puzzles to gain power and skill to beat your friends or foes in PVP battles. Wizard101 is MMORPG with a twist that can be enjoyed by people from all ages. A great family game!




Wakfu is a turn-based MMORPG developed by Ankama Studio, the developer of dofus. This game is set in the same fantasy world (the world of twelve) as dofus, but 1000 years later. Wakfu is a F2P (free to play) game and can be enjoyed by everyone. There is a subscription option which will give you access to all classes, items and the whole world of twelve. It is not necessary to subscribe to enjoy this game but if you feel that you want more you should definitely do it.


Canaan Online

Canaan Online

Canaan Online is a Manga-style browser-based fantasy MMORPG for Mac. The very first thing you notice when browsing to their website is the inherent level of cuteness the style has brought to the game and to the world of Canaan. The game offers four classes to choose from: Warrior, Mage, Ranger and Priest, each with their own role to fulfil within the game. The Warrior class is the game’s “tank”, designed to protect the rest of the player’s party by taking most of the damage. The Mage can be thought of as a “glass cannon”; the low health and armor of this class is balanced with extremely high damage output. The Ranger is another class that attacks from a distance, but with slightly more armor and avoidance ability. Finally the Priest is responsible for healing the party and providing buffs which aid the team in combat. The classes are similar to those found in other free MMO for Mac games. Once you have chosen your role and created a character you can enter the world of Canaan.


Fallen Earth

Fallen Earth

Fallen Earth is a Free to Play MMORPG for Mac that is based in the year 2156 in Southwestern America after the apocalypse. The whole world is in shambles and features not only dilapidated buildings but also animals that have undergone mutation as a result of the deadly Shiva virus. The player is then dropped into this world and should battle with the scavengers and marauders all around the world. They come with supernatural abilities due to the mutation in their DNA and they need to fight their way to earn points.




FusionFall is an exciting browser-based MMORPG from Cartoon Network. Featuring a huge online world with memorable places from popular Cartoon Network animated TV shows and whole new areas to explore, the game is well suited to those that like to explore and offers a range of well known cartoon characters for the player to interact with. Of course, like other MMORPG for Mac games, FusionFall allows you to create your own custom avatar to represent you in the game world.


The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online is MMORPG for Mac OSX, Windows, Playstation & Xbox One developed and published by Bethesda Softworks. It was announced on May 3, 2012 . As with other games in The Elder Scrolls franchise, the game is set in the continent of Tamriel and features a storyline indirectly connected with the other games. The Elder Scrolls Online had been in development for seven years before its release in 2014. It initially received mixed reviews, but these improved significantly with the re-release and rebranding as The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited. Could The Elder Scrolls Online be the all time best MMORPG for Mac?


Wurm Online

Wurm Online

Wurm Online is a rather unique game experience that somewhat defies classification into a specific genre. Although it can be loosely termed a MMORPG for Mac due to the nature of character creation and progression involved, the game also features elements of construction simulation games and even god games (players can use terraforming techniques on the game world to reshape the ground plane to their liking). There are no class restrictions for spells and abilities and the game world even offers the ability to become a priest for one of the game world’s four religions and gain spells related to that religion. As you advance your avatar through playing, it is completely up to you which way to develop your skill set and what to do with your time online.


Adventure Quest: Worlds

Adventure Quest: Worlds

Adventure Quest: Worlds is the latest game from the creators of Adventure Quest, Mech Quest, Dragon Fable and Epic Duel and features true MMO capabilities, essentially making it the MMORPG version of Adventure Quest. A rich and exciting browser-based MMORPG for Mac built using Flash, Adventure Quest: Worlds is playable by anyone with a browser and the latest Flash player. You can even import any old characters from the original Adventure Quest (AQ) and use them to play alongside your family and friends in the newest MMO version.




Oberin is a fantasy MMORPG for Mac that includes versions for both OS9 and OSX and is unavailable for any other platform. Still experiencing rapid ongoing development to the gaming system, Oberin is continually in a state of flux and can change from one day to the next. The game also still has bugs and many areas are far from being called “complete”. Do not let this deter you, however, as Oberin is still one of the most interesting MMO for Mac games.


Drakensang Online

Drakensang Online

Drakensang online is a Free to Play 3D Action MMORPG. It shares many features and similarities with it’s big brother Diablo 3 and does that extremely well considering it’s a browser-based game. Drakensang Online packs a stunning game world with beautiful 3D graphics. Travel and quest through dark caves, old villages and grand castles. Choose between two classes, a variety of different character skills, an impressive armoury of weapons and magic and quest your way through over 100 hours of gaming content.strong text




EverQuest a classic 3D MMORPG for mac. Enter a massive world of roleplaying filled with diverse species, alliances, economic systems and politics. Create your character choosing from variety of races and classes. Equip your self with the biggest sword you can find and experience the rich world of towers, crypts and dungeons. Where does it land on the list of Best MMORPG for Mac of All Time?


Pirates of the Caribbean Online

Pirates of the Caribbean Online

Pirates of the Caribbean Online, also known simply as POTCO or Pirates Online, is a MMORPG for Mac created by Disney and based on the hugely successful film Pirates of the Caribbean. The game is initially free to download and play with a limited set of features much like other games in the MMO for Mac range. By paying a one off fee and then a monthly subscription fee, it is possible to unlock much more content in addition to extra skills for the player’s character or avatar.


Earth Eternal

Earth Eternal

Earth Eternal is one of the massively-multiplayer RPG set in high fantasy world in which there is a combination of not only history in real life but also myths with different creatures. The browser-based MMO game comes with up to 22 tribes from which the players can select a character and customize them using the system available in order to enhance their potential. The player is also able to use abilities from other classes while customizing their characters.


Clan Lord

Clan Lord

Clan Lord is a freemium, open-ended, cooperative medieval fantasy MMORPG for Macintosh and Windows, built around the idea of a community of exiles living in Puddleby. The game features an easy to use point-and-click interface with retro 2D RPG graphics and is highly oriented toward the social side of the game, as an example no player killing is allowed in the majority of the game world, only in a special arena where duels may be fought or in The Badlands, an open player versus player area where clans may wage war. There are three classes to choose from in this MMO for Mac: the basic caster damage dealer, the melee combat warrior and the healer. Each class comes with its own unique role in the game world and mechanics specific to that class.


Neverland Online

Neverland Online

Neverland Online is a bright and cheerful free to play fantasy MMORPG for Macintosh and Windows that can be played either with a standalone game client or in a web browser with the Flash plugin installed. The game is class-based and features traditional RPG character progression elements coupled with overwhelmingly cute graphics in a painterly isometric 2D style. Don’t let the cute look fool you though, Neverland online is a deep and compelling adventure story with some complex game mechanics at work to create a fun and fulfilling game experience.


A Tale In the Desert

A Tale In the Desert

A Tale In the Desert is an MMORPG based on ancient Egyptian history for mac. Work together with your friends and other players online to build the perfect society. The goal with A Tale In the Desert 4 is to create grate works of art and architecture and becoming a powerful leader. Long term planing and thoughtfulness will get you the power and success to reach your goals.