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Updated by victor gabriel on Jan 24, 2016
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Process of Water Purification

This list of articles are some of the best way to explain on how water purification process is done.

Methods for Water Purification

What many poor people, backcountry hikers, and those living in remote areas have in common are a reliance on untreated, local sources of water that may be cont...

Water purification

This article is about large scale, municipal water purification. For other uses, see Purification of water. Water purification is the process of removing undesirable chemicals, biological contaminants, suspended solids and gases from contaminated water. The goal is to produce water fit for a specific purpose.

Water Purification and Treatment Process

On an ordinary day, the human body loses about two litres of water through breathing, perspiration and excretion. It's important that we replace that lost fluid with clean, safe water. While the waterborne transmission of typhoid fever, diphtheria, cholera and several other intestinal diseases has decreased by over 98 percent in Canada during the last 50 years, our water still needs to be purified and treated before we drink it.

Purification Water Process

Water arrives at our reservoirs in the most natural of ways - through precipitation and storm runoff. As water travels over the surface of the land, it dissolves naturally occurring minerals and can pick up substances resulting from the presence of animals or from human activity.

5 Steps of Water Purification | LIVESTRONG.COM

Water purification plays a key role in ensuring access to safe drinking water. Safe drinking water positively impacts the health of the entire community. Systems are in place to ensure ongoing water quality, including water quality testing. The testing helps ensure the water treatment process results in a product that meets federal water quality...

How Water Works

Water that is safe to drink is called potable water, or drinking water, in contrast to safe water, which can be used for bathing or cleaning. In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency sets maximum levels for the 90 most commonly occurring contaminants.

How to Purify Water

How to Purify Water. When the water you're hoping to drink might be riddled with parasites or bacteria particles, you can't afford to skimp on water purification. In the very circumstances that put you in contact with questionable water...

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